Yogurt Could Help Lower Blood Pressure

Yogurt Could Help Lower Blood Pressure

Probiotics found in food like yogurt can be linked to lower blood pressure according to a study published in the Hypertension journal by the American Heart Association.

Researchers from the Griffith Health Institute and School of Medicine at Griffith University in Australia looked at data from a number of previous studies that involved adults with normal or high blood pressure levels and found that for those who consistently ate probiotics or ‘healthy bacteria’ it helped lower blood pressure in comparison to those who did not.

Hypertension is a growing concern as one in three adults in the US have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association, with estimates showing that the incidence of hypertension will increase 7.2% by the year 2030.

Along with yogurt, other foods that are rich in probiotics and gut-friendly bacteria include certain fermented soft cheeses, Kombucha tea, as well as sauerkraut and kimchi.

Probiotics can not only be beneficial towards lowering blood pressure, the California Dairy Research Foundation states that probiotic bacteria can also improve digestive and immune functions as well as aid in the side effects of antibiotics.

Those who are risk of developing high blood pressure include people with chronic illness such as diabetes as well as those who are obese or smoke tobacco.

Hypertension is treated by specialists that include Pulmonologists, Cardiologists and Rheumatologists.

Image credit: Gulsina/Shutterstock

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