These 5 Foods Are Best for Your Kidneys

These 5 Foods Are Best for Your Kidneys

Avoiding too much potassium, phosphorus and protein can help keep you healthy.

Your kidneys play many important roles in your body. They filter the bad stuff from your blood, (toxins and waste), help regulate your blood pressure, keep your bones strong by activating vitamin D and more. Keeping them in fine working order is definitely in your best interest.

How can you treat them well? You can do this by taking certain steps to stay healthy, like controlling your salt intake and getting enough sleep. Eating a balanced diet can also go a long way. Here are 5 foods your kidneys will thank you for, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

1) Smaller Servings of Skinless Chicken

Your kidneys remove the waste produced in your body when you eat protein. Eating less meat can be a way of going easy on this organ. Avoiding too much salt will help control your blood pressure, which also lightens the load on your kidneys.

2) Steamed Vegetables

Fried foods may be tempting but heart-healthy foods are the best way to go. Add some steamed broccoli to your chicken.

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3) Rice Milk

Dairy from cows can have a lot of phosphorus in it. If you have kidney problems, too much phosphorus in your blood can weaken your bones. Drinking rice milk instead of cow’s milk could be a good habit.

4) Apples and Peaches

Consuming the right amount of potassium is also a key to healthy kidneys. Bananas are great in smaller doses but fruits that are lower in potassium, such as apples and peaches can be better.

5) Light-Colored Pop

Avoiding pop or soda is always a better way to go, but if you can’t part with it, go for light-colored ones over their darker counterparts. Dark sodas have added phosphorus that can be better to steer clear of.

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