Kids Toys Bring Risk of ER Visit during Holidays

Kids Toys Bring Risk of ER Visit during Holidays

The holiday season has its health hazards just as any other time of year, but even more important, is the safety of toys and games that young ones are gifted this Christmas season.  With an increased number of toys being given, can come a higher risk of injury and even hospital visits.

Each year millions of children are sent to the emergency room because of a toy-related accident, according to findings from the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and published in the journal Clinical Pediatrics.

It has been estimated that 3.3 million children were sent to the emergency room because of a toy injury between 1990 and 2011, with more than half of those injuries involving children younger than 5 years old.

Some of the dangers, especially for younger children, can include choking hazards involving toys with small parts as well as injuries related to larger toys such as foot-powered scooters, wagons, tricycles and others. The research also showed that children aged five to 17 were Five- to 17-year-olds who were sent to the ER with injuries from riding toys were three times more likely to be a broken bone or dislocation.

So if you’re looking to surprise your little ones with that new toy they’ve been asking Santa for, keep in mind the safety and age restrictions stated on all children’s toys.  The best Christmas is a safe, happy and healthy one for the whole family.

Image credit: Billion Photos/Shutterstock

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