Ratings for Dr. Wayne Litchenwald


Dr. Lichtenwald told me twice that he thought I had Lupus and at one point told me not to return because he couldn't help me further. He had treated my disease without success. I then, went on to see another Dermatologist who immediately diagnosed my disease and went on to successfully treat it. I was left with permanent patchy bald spots so I went for hair transplants. The transplant doctor needed a report from Dr. Lichtenwald. Reading the report, I was shocked that Dr. L had diagnosed my disease, but never let me know what it was- wasn't Lupus. I was also shocked to see that he had written that my disease was under control. There was absolutely no improvement when I left his care. My scalp was sore, itchy, had puss-filled pours and continued hair loss along scaring

Dr. Lichtenwald told me twice that he thought I had Lupus and at one point told me not to return because he couldn't help me further. He had treated my disease without success. I then, went on to see another Dermatologist who immediately diagnosed my disease and went on to successfully treat it. I was left with permanent patchy bald spots so I went for hair transplants. The transplant doctor needed a report from Dr. Lichtenwald. Reading the report, I was shocked that Dr. L had diagnosed my disease, but never let me know what it was- wasn't Lupus. I was also shocked to see that he had written that my disease was under control. There was absolutely no improvement when I left his care. My scalp was sore, itchy, had puss-filled pours and continued hair loss along scaring

Submitted April 26, 2022


waited six months for appt and he was very "you are wasting my time here""...very disappointed.

Submitted Dec. 6, 2013

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