A Woman’s Guide to Menopause Sex Drive

A Woman’s Guide to Menopause Sex Drive

Are you worried about your menopause sex drive? Here’s what you should expect during this time of your life.

It’s normal for your sex drive to change as you go through menopause. But what should women generally expect at this time in their lives? Let’s talk about your menopause sex drive.

Hormones and Menopause Sex Drive

As your body goes through menopause, your estrogen level will decrease, and that could result in some unpleasant side effects, such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes, and night sweats (oh my!). Those symptoms could make sex the last thing that’s on your mind. On top of that, as you age, there is also a decrease in your testosterone level, which might end up hindering your libido as well.

Every Woman Is Unique

Generally, a woman’s sex drive will wane with age and as she moves through menopause, but it’s important to note that every woman is different. So what one person goes through may not be the same as what another individual goes through, even when it comes to the symptoms that are typically associated with menopause. Some ladies, for example, may not notice a change in their sex drive, while others might even feel more sexual than they did before.

Having Sex Could Lead to More Sex

Blood flow to your vagina will also decrease after you have gone through menopause. But sex, as well as other forms of physical exercise, could help boost the flow of blood to this area again. And if you have found that your libido has fallen, having sex more often could be just what you need to spark up your desire again. Plus, with the help of lubricants and vibrators, you can make your sex life even steamier than it used to be.

Orgasms May Not Come As Easily

Both during and after menopause, some women might have to put in a bit more effort before reaching orgasm. If you experience this, just rest assured that it’s normal and there are things that you can do. Taking your time, increasing foreplay, and using sex toys while experimenting with your partner might be just what you need to climax. You might even consider sexting with your significant other throughout the day leading up to your night together, building up the anticipation for what’s ahead.

Estrogen Therapies Are an Option

In addition to experiencing vaginal dryness, women whose estrogen levels have declined after menopause may also experience painful sex because of thinner vaginal walls (talk about a downer for your sex drive!). Thankfully, though, there are some estrogen therapies, such as creams, that could help. Don’t be embarrassed to talk to your doctor about your sexual health and the products that may provide relief.

Side note: If you’re taking any prescription medications, ask your doctor if their side effects include decreased sex drive. In this way, you might be able to pinpoint a reason for your low libido and take the appropriate steps to bring it back.

Take a Well-Rounded Approach

To improve or maintain your libido as you get older, focus on your overall health, from your physical health, to your mental and emotional well-being. Eating right, exercising, quitting smoking, getting plenty of rest and sleep, and de-stressing are all good ways to enhance your sense of wellness, as well as enjoy a healthy sex drive before, during, and after menopause.

Although menopause brings about a variety of changes, it doesn’t have to alter your sex drive or your ability to have great sex with your partner. Understanding what your body is going through will help you enter this new life stage with less confusion and less stress.

Photo credit: SNeG17/Shutterstock.com

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