Calling Your Parents Can Help Them Live Longer, Study Suggests

Calling Your Parents Can Help Them Live Longer, Study Suggests

It’s small and simple, but could have a profound effect on your parent’s livelihood.

According to a new study out of the University of California-San Francisco, calling your parents to prevent loneliness can increase their life expectancy.

senior-well-beingThe researchers documented 1,600 older adults (average age of 71) for six years, evaluating loneliness, functional decline, and deaths throughout the course of the study. They found that 23 per cent of adults that were lonely died within six years. Comparatively, only 14 per cent of adults with moderate companionship levels passed away. They also found that roughly 43 per cent of adults over 60 experience some form of isolation.

Related: Talking About Touch Deprivation in the Elderly

What can we glean from this? That loneliness does indeed play a significant role in our well-being, especially in the elderly. It can lead to medical conditions like depression, cognitive decline, and even cardiovascular disease.

We understand that life can be hectic, with the whirlwind of responsibilities coming from your kids, work, friends, and hobbies, but you can still squeeze in a couple of minutes to call your parents every so often. It’s a small thing that can have a big impact on their lives, and yours.

Photo Credit: TeodorLazarev//; lightwavemedia/

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