Are you passing people on the sidewalk? You could be destined to live longer.
Apparently you can tell how long your life is going to be just by walking up the driveway.
A study published in the journal JAMA Network Open has revealed that people who walk with a slower gait at age 45 tend to be enroute towards an earlier death. They have teeth, lungs and immune systems that are subpar, when compared with their peers. But it all must be due to poor lifestyle habits and bad food choices, right?
Well, perhaps. Researchers involved in this study, however, say that the same people who were slow walkers in mid-life were also found to be slower walkers as preschoolers. Trippy!
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Overall, they had lower brain volume and less brain surface than those who were found to walk more quickly, even at a young age.
So, what can you ? If your legs are on the slow side, can you fix this by going to the gym? Following a healthy lifestyle can go a long way, no doubt. That being said, it does seem as though, at times, your genetics may actually be a stronger deciding factor when it comes to progress.
That sounds a bit dismal to swallow, however. Maybe purposely walking faster grows your brain. Maybe. No one is here to stop you from trying. Why not embark on the experiment on your own, and perhaps you’ll be growing younger with every step, who’s to say.