Resolutions and Reality: Getting Healthy in the New Year

Resolutions and Reality: Getting Healthy in the New Year

So you’ve made the proverbial New Year’s resolution to lose weight and be healthier.  You’ve cleared out all the junk from your fridge and cupboards and even picked up a set of kettle bells on sale – score!  You are pumped and ready – which is why you don’t have to wait until January 1st to get started.

The number one resolution people make every year is to ‘Lose Weight,’ according to data from University of Scranton and published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. Weight-related resolutions and self-improvement related resolutions make up 38 per cent and 47 per cent of resolutions, respectively. But, it is estimated that only 8 per cent of Americans are actually successful in achieving their resolutions.

New research may shed some light onto why weight loss resolutions might not be as successful as they could be.  Researchers have found that exercise alone is not enough for weight loss and that nutrition is optimal in successful weight loss, according to a study in the Journal of American Medical Association.

The study involved over 35,000 women who were assessed over a 15 year period. It was found by researchers that exercise did not reduce or even maintain weight among women with a body mass index (BMI) over 25. The research shows that to lose weight successfully both factors, exercise as well as optimal nutritional, are required.

For women who consumed a normal diet, physical activity was associated with less weight gain only among women whose BMI was lower than 25.  The women who were successful in maintaining a normal weight, gaining no more than 5 lbs over the period of the study, averaged approximately 60 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a day.

So whether it’s taking up yoga or joining a walking club, the combination of exercise with nutritional interventions is key to successfully losing weight and keeping those New Year’s resolutions as alive as the sparkling shower of fireworks you started them under.

Image credit: kenary820/Shutterstock

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