Love Lemon Cookies? Give these Lemon Energy Balls a Roll

Love Lemon Cookies? Give these Lemon Energy Balls a Roll

What’s sweet, satisfying, and provides ample fuel for the day?

If you said gasoline, well you’re probably a car or other piece of machinery. If you’re a human however, the answer is none other than lemon drop energy balls.

The upside is tremendous: they take just 15 minutes to prepare, are full of must-have nutrition like almonds and dates, and taste identical to lemon cookies (minus all the unwanted and unnecessary refined sugar). What’s not to like?

As the video details, first combine either almonds or cashews in a food processor, and set to pulse until you’re left with nothing but crumbs. Next, add dates, coconut, maple syrup, lemon juice, vanilla, and salt into your mixture. Process all the ingredients until they’re nice and fine.

lemon-energy-balls-1Now, add lemon zest and pulse again until all the ingredients are amalgamated, which should take no more than 30 seconds. If your resulting mixture is too sticky to shape into balls, you can freeze the dough for 15-20 minutes until it’s ‘ready to roll’.

Related: Can Lemon Water Help You Lose Weight?

Scoop the mixture and roll into 1-inch balls. Finally, mix any leftover coconut and lemon zest together, and sprinkle onto the balls. Place on a baking sheet, and send them to the fridge for about an hour before serving. They’re good for three days when stored in the fridge in an airtight container, or for a month if you stow them in your freezer.

Photo credit: Alexeysun/Shutterstock

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