Get in Your Daily Steps in From Home With These 3 Exercises

Get in Your Daily Steps in From Home With These 3 Exercises

Working remote makes it challenging to get your daily step counts in.

Your kitchen is a couple feet away, the bathroom is right around the corner, and generally speaking, you don’t need to go anywhere right now. Plus, working from home means you’re usually planted in your office chair and stationary for most of the day. But moving is a must for your health and well-being.

According to Alain Saint-Dic, personal trainer and head of training and development at Stretch Relief, walking is the most basic and accessible form of exercise you can do to stay fit and healthy, no matter where you are. While the recommended daily average for adults is 10,000 steps, that can feel impossible when you’re stuck indoors – so you’ll need to get creative with your limited space.

Try these three exercises to get your steps in (unless you have a treadmill or something):

Dance, Dance, Dance

A dance party of one is still a party. Okay, it can feel weird for those few seconds, but once your playlist is rolling and you bust out your signature moves, you’ll be having fun sweating and rackup up that step count.


“Dancing is one of the absolute best ways to get your step count up when you’re in a smaller space,” says Saint-Dic. “Pick a few songs and really go for it, or try matching music video choreography moves on YouTube.”

The Fitness Marshall is a great place to start for easy-to-follow dance workouts that hardly feel like work at all!

Jump Rope (Minus the Rope)

Yes, you can jump rope and reap the benefits of this excellent workout without the actual rope. “Whether you have an actual jump rope or not, pretending like you’re training for your next fight to the backdrop of a Rocky montage is sure to get your step count up,” says Saint-Dic. It will only take a minute for your heart to start pounding.

Related: A 10-Minute Cardio Workout You Can Do At Home

Walk-through Your Home

To ensure consistent movement throughout the day, Saint-Dic recommends walking through your home, and doing different exercises at certain points.

“Commit to doing an apartment walk-through on the hour,” he says. “Do a different exercise at each doorway, like high knees, lunches, Brazilian twists, and lateral lunges.” You’ll get some steps in and get your blood pumping in the process.

Photo Credit: fizkes/

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