These Diseases Exist Today, and Can Kill You in a Single Day

These Diseases Exist Today, and Can Kill You in a Single Day

While medicine and science have come a long way, some diseases are still as deadly as ever.

Some of these diseases are new, and some have been around for centuries, but they can all be fatal if not dealt with quickly.

Bubonic plague

The bubonic plague is one of the deadliest diseases in our history, killing over 50 million people in the 14th century.


Contrary to popular belief, the disease is still around, with cases found in Africa, Asia, and South America. It’s caused from getting bitten by a flea from an animal that carries the bacillus Yersinia pestis, like a rat. Common symptoms include fever, vomiting, delirium, and swollen lymph nodes. In 30-60% of cases, the plague is fatal.


Cholera is an intestinal disease caused by ingesting a bacteria called Vibrio cholerae from either food or drink. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 21,000 to 143,000 people die each year from cholera.

After anywhere from 12 hours to five days, cholera leads to severe diarrhea. Without swift treatment, the infection will cause severe dehydration, and soon after, death. Therefore, it’s important to deal with symptoms once they occur; with proper treatment, the mortality rate drops to under 1%. Without it, one in two people die from the disease.

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This disease is an infection of the meningitis caused by a virus or bacteria. The most common way to contract the disease is coming in contact with the saliva of someone already infected.

Like the flu, symptoms can range from headaches, fever, stiff neck, and sensitivity to light. Unlike the flu, meningitis is fatal – one in two people die from it, and 10-15% of survivors will suffer from serious neurological damage for the rest of their lives.

Photo Credit: nobeastsofierce/; Everett Historical/

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