4 Reasons to Use Aloe Vera Gel, According to Dermatologists

4 Reasons to Use Aloe Vera Gel, According to Dermatologists

Aloe vera does so much more than soothe sunburns, says Joel Schlessinger, M.D., an Omaha-based dermatologist.

“Its stems store water, creating a clear, gel-like substance that contains vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids,” he says.

And that affords a number of health benefits to you, regardless of whether you like the aloe vera gels or simply snap off leafs from your plant at home. This is why you should make space on your counter for aloe vera all year round and not just the summer:

Ease irritation

Irritated, red skin? Reach for the aloe. The goo from the leaves is comprised of compounds that suppress inflammation, explains Jennifer Gordon, M.D., a dermatologist in Austin. Aloe vera works as well as the pain reliever carboxypeptidase.


Soothe psoriasis flare-ups

Aloe extract cream applied several times every day on areas of redness, scaling, and itching inflammation can reduce these symptoms of psoriasis, according to the Mayo Clinic. Keep in mind that it may take a month or so to see the results.

Related: How to Best Treat Your Sunburn

Combat acne

Aside from its antibacterial properties, aloe vera gel contains salicylic acid, an exfoliant that unclogs pores and acts as an anti-inflammatory on acne-producing oil glands. Products that also include benzoyl peroxide can kill bacteria that causes pimples, and retinoids, which are responsible for clogging skin cells in the first place.

Helps with cold sores

Past research suggests dabbling in aloe cream could help get rid of that unwelcome lesion faster due to its antiviral properties.

Photo Credit: ruangrit junkong/Shutterstock.com; MK photograp55/Shutterstock.com

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