5 Top Products for Asthma Sufferers on Amazon

5 Top Products for Asthma Sufferers on Amazon

Gain peace of mind with products that add to your lifestyle and help clean your air.

According to the Global Asthma Report, as many as 339 million people suffer from asthma, worldwide. The condition hits 1 in 12 people in the U.S and costs the country $56 billion in medical costs, lost school and work days, and early deaths in 2007, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Anything that can make life easier when an attack sets in is welcome.

Your doctor can ensure you learn about your asthma attack triggers, and help you avoid them. They can also prescribe inhaled corticosteroids for those with persistent asthma.

In addition to this, you may wish to seek out products that aren’t a replacement for prescribed, medical treatment, but could help you manage your symptoms.

Here are 5 of the most popular asthma items now for sale on Amazon.com.

Related: Hormones Could Affect Asthma in Women, Study Shows

1) Air Filtering Masks

If allergies to grass and pollen exacerbate your symptoms, and you need to spend time outdoors during allergy season, you might consider getting an air filtering mask. You may stand out, but you’ll feel relief. Great for cycling, hiking and mowing the lawn.

2) Salt Therapy Inhaler

Face lung inflammation with ancient salt therapy.

3) Allergen-Proof Pillow Cover

Rest at ease knowing your pillow isn’t causing you trouble at night.

4) Asthma Bracelet

Let the world know about your condition with an asthma bracelet, available in multiple styles and colors.

5) Air Purifier

Clean air at home, and at work, always helps. An air purifier may do the trick.

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