Vaping Doubles the Risk of Erectile Dysfunction: Study

Vaping Doubles the Risk of Erectile Dysfunction: Study

The nicotine in e-cigarettes is known to increase erectile dysfunction.

Vaping is no longer a new trend but a solid habit for many people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2018 nearly 15% of all adults in the country used an e-cigarette and millions were current users. A whopping 25% of people aged 18 to 24 had tried the activity.

While the potential long term risks and consequences of using e-cigarettes aren’t yet fully established, the scene doesn’t look good. The CDC has labeled e-cigarette use a public health concern and it’s well known that most of these products contain nicotine which is highly addictive.

Vaping and Erectile Dysfunction

Going one step further from this, a new study has just revealed another hurdle. If you’re a man, vaping is said to significantly increase your risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Researchers from New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine discovered that men between the ages of 20 and 25 who vape daily with an e-cigarette that contains nicotine more than double their chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED) compared with those who don’t vape. The problem lies in the contents of e-cigarettes and their effects on the body.

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“One is the fact that nicotine and other chemicals in vapes can reduce the ability of arteries to get larger and dilated, and that is what causes erectile dysfunction,” said professor Ahmad Besaratinia of the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, to CNN. “These chemicals can also depress testosterone levels, another main cause of ED,” he added.

If you don’t vape or smoke now, it’s probably not a great idea to start.

Vaping, Popcorn Lung, and Collapsed Lung

In addition to causing sexual health problems, vaping has also been linked to several other health problems. Two of them are something called “popcorn lung” and “collapsed lung”. Popcorn lung is a name for bronchiolitis obliterans (BO), which is a rare condition first identified in workers in a microwave popcorn factory. A food additive called diacetyl was causing workers to develop lung damage in their small airways. Diacetyl is frequently added as an e-liquid in e-cigarettes to enhance the taste of the experience. Inhaling this chemical can cause permanent scarring to your lungs making it difficult to breathe, with no lasting treatment. Coughing, wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath following e-cigarette use can all be indications of popcorn lung.

Vaping can also cause your lungs to collapse. This happens when a hole appears in your lung, allowing the air to escape, causing it to deflate like a balloon. Interestingly, those who develop a collapsed lung due to vaping are said to often be people who are tall and thin and who experienced a period of rapid growth as an adolescent while vaping A collapsed lung causes sharp chest or shoulder pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.

Contact your doctor if you vape and your lungs hurt. Consider quitting vaping and smoking in order to protect your lungs.

photo credits: Amani A/

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