This is the Mysterious Sunken Chest Syndrome

It can be so bad, it makes it hard to exercise.

Kerry Van Der Merwe and Katie Bruce, both from England, have a strange abnormality in their bodies. As detailed in a recent post on, their chest bones are growing inwards, placing stress on their organs. It’s a rare condition called sunken chest syndrome. For some, it simply presents a cosmetic surprise, but for others, it can actually impact their physical health. 

People who suffer from sunken chest syndrome, also known as pectus excavatum, can experience rapid breathing, and chest pain as their heart is squished by the breast bone, as it presses downwards. What a crazy thing.

The medical world isn’t entirely sure what causes the abnormality, but sometimes it could be genetics, as it tends to run in families.

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And those who have it also often have other syndromes such as Noonan syndrome and Turner syndrome. 

Does it always present a problem? For many people who suffer from the syndrome, the differences in their appearance can make them self conscious. And so, even for those who don’t experience extreme physical difficulties with the condition, living with it can be a burden. 

Physical therapy can help those who have a mild form of the condition. When it comes to extreme cases, surgery could be recommended. Bars are placed inside the chest to raise the breastbone to a normal height. They’re kept in there for a few years, and then removed. 

For more on this condition, click here

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