Hungry? Two Amazing Edible Houses and One Edible Hotel That Will Make Your Mouth Water

Hungry? Two Amazing Edible Houses and One Edible Hotel That Will Make Your Mouth Water

These days, they should probably just make an edible cell phone, while they’re at it. I’d eat it- you know, standing at the bus stop, got the munchies, nibbling on the even-numbered digits.


Well, they haven’t gotten there quite yet, but there is something even bigger and better being made: edible houses and hotels.

So if you’re hungry but don’t want to go ALL the way to the kitchen, you can just eat the carpet.

That’s right-this year British supermarket retailer, Asda, has created an edible house for all who wish to eat it. The house is made of seafood, sprouts, cheese and minced pies and it was on display recently at Taste of London: Festive Edition, in London, England.

The crunchable structure stood about 11 ½ feet tall and 6 ½ feet wide, and took ten people 84 hours to build, along with a wishing well nearby. The house was small but impressive, being made of 1,200 mince pies, 165 pounds of parmesan cheese, 30 lobsters, 75 pounds of smoked salmon and 3,000 sprouts.

But it isn’t the first house to be made for eating in Britain. Heston Blumenthal from Heston’s Feasts made a memorable house with building materials made from edible things for his fairytale dessert in season 2 of Heston’s Feasts.

Guests on the show ate everything from the walls to the tableware.

And there was even once an edible hotel in London’s Soho area, where guests could eat the rugs, decorative flower arrangements, cushions and even the books.

According to a report on, “The first ever cake hotel opened its doors allowing people to eat their way through edible furnishings including fluffy macaroon clad banisters, cupcake fairy lights, carpets made from cake and windowsills built entirely from fudge.”

The hotel opened back in the spring of 2013, but unfortunately it was for only one day(!) as it was done as a publicity stunt by sugarcane brand Tate & Lyle Sugars to promote the company’s new Taste Experience range of golden and brown cane sugars.

Maybe Ferrero Rocher will decide they need to promote those chocolates in a box for Christmas and open hot springs for bathing in chocolate for one night, in my hometown.

We are RateMDs are open to studying the health benefits of bathing in chocolate, FYI F. Roch.

Just sayin’.

Photo credit: fotoandy/Shutterstock

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