3 Subtle Signs You’re Overtraining

3 Subtle Signs You’re Overtraining

Overtraining is one of the most difficult, and most important, things to catch.

Early signs of overtraining are virtually indistinguishable from the normal rigours of training, but over time, the effects add up and can lead to burnout.

Here’s how you can tell whether you need a small break or change from routine:

Workouts aren’t getting better

Have you been struggling to finish your typical running workouts, or are just barely making times that used to be a breeze? This could be a sign of working too hard and overtraining.


Another sign, if you’re a competitive runner, of overtraining are race results. If you’ve been training hard but the results don’t reflect the sweat you’re putting in, you may be training too much and you’re taking away what you’ve been training for. You should be finishing your workouts or races strong, not barely surviving.

You’re not interested in going for a run

You’re not going to feel excited to run every day, but if you’ve been feeling this way for a few weeks, reexamine your training.

Related: Is it Safe to Work Out Twice a Day?

You consistently feel flat

The difference between a good run and a poor one is how your body feels. Some days you’ll feel like your legs are made of springs, that you were designed to run…while others you’ll feel like you’re wearing cement sneakers.

If you’re consistently feeling the latter, it’s probably time to head back to the drawing board and examine your training plan.

Photo Credit: BLACKDAY/Shutterstock.com; iambasic_Studio/Shutterstock.com

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