Dr. J. Ash, Md, Frcpc

1.0 ( 2 reviews )

Ratings for Dr. J. Ash, Md, Frcpc


His report, of my fast-track through his system, (No Stress Test), In his report claimed I had no risk of having any Heart trouble was nil. I went to my Cardio Doctor, Dr Nareesh Kumar of Whiby, He did the Stress Test through traditional teating EKG on treadmill and immediate Ultra sound revealed an 100 % Artery Blockage and booked me into St Michaels with Cardio
specialist Dr Bagai (world renouned) specialist he immedialtely perfomed a PCI which removed the blockage and inserted a stent, which was drug-eluded to prevent re-occurrence it was a complete success. The Lord works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. A very poor Doctor to the very Best!!!

Submitted Aug. 31, 2017


This Doctor Dictated the findings, Dr J. Ashe for Durham Nuclear Imaging. For Nuclear Medicine
Persantine Myocardial Perfusion Study on Myself John Thomas Gruchy of Oshawa ON. His
interpretation, that it was normal, no evidence for Persantine induced ischemia, and there a
low liklihood os significant coronary artery disease. Because of there time restraints mo stress test was performed. This report was sent to my Family Doctor. However I had booked an Appt. with Dr Kumar, My Cardiologist-Whitby. He put me through a complete Stress Testing
and concluded that through simple Ultra-Sound that I had a 100% blockage of one my arteries and booked me within a couple of days to St Michaels Hospital PCI unit to have a procedure done to remove the blockage and have a Stent placed in my Artery to remove the blockage and restore normal blood flow, this blockage was estimated to have started 5 to 10 years prior where it was now life-threatening and a major heart attack could happen at any time. My Health has returned to almost 100% normal, they used a medicine treated Stent which will eliminate a reoccurrence and put me back to a normal range, with counseling concerning proper diet and a healthy walking and exercise regimen. I have to say that Dr Bagai and Dr Liu saved my life, can you believe that Dr. J. Ash should face some sort of legal
repercussions that would compensate me for my NEAR-MISS experience and others examined there should ask for a re-assessment, they say change happens through controversy and controversy brings about change.

Dr. W. Roy. I had also

Submitted Aug. 29, 2017

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