Dr. Gary Alfred White

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Dr. Gary Alfred White's Credentials

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Dr. Gary White graduated with distinction in 1991 with his doctor of optometry degree. He spent three years as an optometrist in the Army at Brook Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. He was one of the first optometrists to specialize in CCT. He began treating CCT patients in 1998 and was the first in the country to successfully have a practice specializing in CCT only in 2006. Dr. White has served on the Board of Orthokeratology Academy of America and lectured about CCT to other optometrists across the country. He was the first to start treating CCT for presbyopia, astigmatism, and hyperopia. Dr. White has had the privilege of successfully treating thousands of CCT patients allowing them to throw away their glasses without having surgery.


  • Pacific University - College Of Optometry (Grad. 1991)

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