Ratings for Dr. Pamela Moss


Horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible... and btw horrible horrible horrible and horrible. If it isnt clear yet, horrible.

Submitted Oct. 5, 2015


When I was 13 and suffering panic attacks the first thing she did was ask me if I wanted to feel better. Naturally I said yes and she told me to take a pill (an SSRI as I later learned through self-education and later an anti-psychotic among many others). So this was my first experience with "take a pill to solve all your ills" mentality that is at the core of our dysfunctional system of Western medicine.

I'll never forget the time she talked about the side effects and arrogantly joked "sexual side effects are common but that's only a good thing at his age" WELL do you want to know something Dr. Moss? I was never really even interested in girls (or guys for that matter) until 17 because of this and I believe there may have been some permanent damage done in this area as things have never fully worked properly since. Yeah it sounds like a real good idea to put someone just entering puberty on high doses of pills that will disconnect them from the natural discovery of feelings that every human being develops and has to learn about, process and come to terms with at this stage of life. Better to chemically castrate and leave them in a state of confusion and denial as it did to me well beyond adolescence. Yeah way better to just try and bypass the whole process altogether in the name of convenience!

Oh how helpful it was to be driven over 45 minutes at least every week only to sit in a waiting room for at least an hour while she talked to my parents then go in and be asked a bunch of irrelevant and silly (even in the mind of my 13 year old self) questions and never work on any level deeper than the biochemical, the pills that could change my biochemistry and the side effects I was experiencing.

Because of this individual I spent my teenage years chemically castrated, emotionally unaware and unconcerned with who I was as a person and all this did was lead to years of persisting confusion down the road that should have ended years ago in normal individuals because I was FORCED AGAINST MY WILL to take pills that completely cut me off from access to the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are NATURAL and NECESSARY for a teenager to go through in order to eventually develop a sense of self!

But all that internal emotional and psychological stuff didn't interest her. She once said if she had to choose between only psychotherapy or medication she would choose medication in a heartbeat. What she was telling me is its better to change the brain chemistry with a band-aid approach than to get to the roots, the core of the condition which is the mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual. She had no interest in these things and when I finally learned at the age of 17 that I already had had the choice of whether or not to continue the medication for a year (something she conveniently forgot to mention to me) I began to see this person for who she really was.

And when I started experimenting with marijuana she couldn't even connect the dots that this was an unconscious attempt to feel things I had never felt before, a misguided attempt to access all the feelings, thoughts and emotions that had been chemically lobotomized from me during those most important years of development for the first time. She denied me access to those things which are our natural BIRTHRIGHT through giving me no choice but to take these powerful psychoactive chemicals at such a young age.

And it was not until I took matters into my own hands and came off the medications that I experienced any true emotion or any sense of sexuality which lead to years of deep confusion as I struggled, in denial, to make sense of all these new thoughts, feelings and emotions I never had access to before leading to a protracted period of deep confusion and self denial about who I was emotionally, spiritually and sexually and eventual dependence on both pharmaceuticals and marijuana.

Take it from me, if you want to allow your child to go through any kind of natural process of growth and self discovery avoid this doctor. Get your kids away from this psychiatrist as fast as you can!

Submitted Nov. 25, 2014

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