Dr. Sol Goldstein

2.2 ( 41 reviews )

Ratings for Dr. Sol Goldstein


I'm surprised that I found him so easily here. It's been 11 years since I saw him at the age of 5. He saved us from our mother taking sole custody, but failed to address the fact that she was clearly an emotionally abusive parent. My younger brother and I left her over two years ago now after she decided she loved her new boyfriend more than us.

Submitted Oct. 18, 2016


I was one of the children Dr. Goldstein used to further his career and prove his idea of parental alienation. I don't disagree that parents try to alienate their children from each other, that isn't my complaint. My issue us that as a child, Dr. Goldstein had no intention of doing any sort of actual assessment and when he did ask questions and I would answer he would say I didn't know what I felt or that I wasn't being truthful. His report was instrumental in the custody arrangement that allowed myself and my siblings to continue to be abused by our father and stepmother. Abuse that he was aware of and chose to ignore and deny.

Submitted Oct. 8, 2016


When people look at "less than favourable" reviews they can easily disqualify the poor rating as posted by a "disgruntled" parental. Absolutely there is truth in stating that people in general are more inclined to "complain" and post negative feedback when a professional fails to "agree" or "see" or "believe" your perspective. However, this post is entirely intended to acknowledge that my experience with Dr. Goldstein was disasterous and it is my clear intention to prepare others who have been "assigned" to pay astronomical amounts of money for an "assessment" with this "professional expert" with objective and subjective feedback. Dr. Goldstein may have been a fair assessor in the past; however, I assure you that his "comprehensive" assessments have become biased by his passion for "identifying parental alienation". Morally and ethically it is an absolute shame that a psychiatrist can be retained to complete a comprehensive assessment yet fail to provide accurate reflections of the material ...both written or obtained during a consult/interview. It would appear that his mind is made up upon retainer and the "costs" expand far beyond your bank account. There are children involved and these children "trust" to be heard, believed and helped as a result of opening up to such a professional. Assumed "expert" Dr. Goldstein needs to consider retirement. This may sound harsh and it is meant as no disregard at all for his past experiences and expertise....I obviously only have recent experiences to draw on. Frankly, I would suggest two points....his memory and /or documentation skills failed and second, he is predisposed to identify "PA". This is not to be taken lightly....assuming child custody is involved....the impact of this assessor can prove devastating with life long consequences for a child/family. I would suggest if you are "ordered" to an assessment with Dr Goldstein you take responsibility to document every single aspect of your experience in detail. Insist on a peer review.

Submitted May 29, 2016


Though he isn't always punctual, Dr. G is extremely helpful. I'm wondering if these other reviews are even for the same person. The Dr. G I'm seeing, and have gotten to know, is extremely empathetic and unbiased, and genuinely cares about the patient and their wellbeing. He teaches mindfulness based techniques and ensures you have access to services to aid with financial issues (ie/ a drug card to help cover medication costs) and support services (ie/ mindfulness based courses through major Toronto hospitals, reading material so you can learn on your own, support lines, etc.) he has been nothing but caring since I've started seeing him, and without his aid I don't know where I'd be today. I started seeing him as a depressed, anxious, nervous wreck who had gone through abuse and couldn't find my backbone. Today I'm a fairly functioning, independent, strong person who is expanding on the notion that it's okay to say no and take time to care for yourself, and not fulfill every want of other people, be it family or partners. I can't even sum up the progress I've made out my immense gratuitude, but I can tell you the Dr. I know is nothing like the villain described in other reviews

Submitted Jan. 7, 2016


Dr Goldstein was instrumental in emotionally damaging my siblings and I, causing unnecessary turmoil, ruining the remainder of my childhood and allowing someone who was abusing us to continue to have shared custody (and yes he was claiming parental alienation and was also paying the bills). I was 10 I didn't need anyone to try to alienate me from my father he did that on his own by being physically and verbally/emotionally abusive. Dr Goldstein continuously told me I was lying and ill mannered if I got upset that no one would listen that we were being abused and seriously fucked me up. Talk about not being able to trust someone who you think is there to help you. I learned early on no one cared what happened to me. That takes a long time to repair.

Submitted Nov. 13, 2015


Dr. Goldstein was appointed by the court to do a family assessment after my children's father 'invited' two of our children for an unscheduled visit for dinner and they did not return. Father and his family continued to claim it was "the childrens choice" and I was the terrible person in the equation. Neither of us parents had finances to 'entice' a gold digger as many of the other reviews here state. Divorce and putting children in the middle is a sickness of many divorcing parents, even if it's only one of the two parents, a lot of grief and damage is done by that parent and the family of his or her that supports it (and can cost a fortune if this happens). However, it is the children who pay the biggest price. It is their childhood, sense of stability and how they look at themselves and relationships that is at stake. The parents who take that away from the children are the ones who are the problem. Dr. G did his assessment and the court was not 'ready' to hear it. He even called CAS and said the children were being 'emotionally' abused, but the system was not able to help as the children were considered 'safe' as they were getting food and shelter where they were and were not being physically injured. It took over a year and updates from Dr. G. (at additional costs) before the court got to hear my family's/children's case. It is the system that needs help to change and to expedite these cases. It does not surprise me that Dr. G. refers families/children to other Drs./therapists he knows in the PAS community, as it may not be large and did not even exist in T.O. when my family needed it (does it even exist here today?) (it's not collusion or you scratch my back). Even though Dr. G. had the right assessment and eventually at trial the judge made a relatively decent decision for two of my children, however the oldest was too close to 18 to have made a difference. For my oldest it is more than 10 years ( post our divorce) and still is angry at me and the world. There needs to be:
1) quicker movement from the courts for the children to access therapy
2) access (not a financial cost) to the ' appropriate'therapy' for the children to 'deprogram' them locally and not have access during treatment to the alienating parent/family members.
3) If the court is unsure...put the children in the care of a 3rd party while all of this is going on. Better than staying with parent/family members who are turning kids against parents as therapy will never work in that situation.
If the children grow up hating one parent, they will likely be unhappy with themselves as they are part of each parent. I would like to yell at parents who do this alienating "STOP -- YOU ARE HURTING YOUR OWN CHILDREN' (that is what Dr. G. did from the witness stand to my children's father...and the father sat there totally unphased with a blank expression on his face. I guess that's the Narcissist & borderline aspect of him. So, for Dr. G. or any therapist in this very sad and disturbing area of expertise, I am not surprised there are people bashing them. It is a relatively thankless job. I and others do thank you for the service you perform in very difficult situations and sad but necessary area of expertise. Best of luck to any parent going through this ... but keep your children in mind first...no matter how much you are hurting...and I know you are...it is the children who become future members of society and they are the ones who are in trouble and paying the biggest price now. Let's keep hope for the future that they will get the help they need (if they were not able to access it as children) and become happy, healthy adults and productive members of society. We must always have hope for the future. Bless and protect all our children.

Submitted Aug. 10, 2015


Staff: His wife will be in all throughout the assesment and she prepare the report- It is a conflict of Interest
Puncuality:He arrives late 15 mintues for the meeting or waiting for his wife arrival in a one hour session but charges for a hour 650$.
Helpness: Wantly helping the abusers with his Parential Alination Concept( not in the medical book)
Knowledge: He has knowledge how to make a lum sum of money in his custody assesment without practicing proffessional code and ethic of practice.


Submitted July 21, 2015


This Dr. is terrible, he will destroy a family in the blink of an eye

Submitted June 29, 2015


I believe he is connected to his hand picked lawyers and judges within the Brampton superior court system.

My ex collected child porn (teen girls under 18 years of age). Dr. Goldstein considered this normal behavior and decided that our children would do best in a 50-50 joint custody arrangement. My children have only suffered since this Decision was made

Submitted May 28, 2015


Do not trust him. He is motivated by money only. He does not listen to the facts. You can flood him with facts but he will not listen ( although he pretends). My ex just happened to be a Doctor ( with a DOCUMENTED history of substance abuse - including a trip to Homewood ; he NEVER asked for the report). I trusted him and he sided with his fellow doctor regardless of what my Son said and myself. 5 years later my Son is still with me. I would not recommend him

Submitted May 27, 2015

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