Dr. Erik M. Schabert

4.7 ( 71 reviews )





Ratings for Dr. Erik M. Schabert


My husband and I have been patients of Dr. Schabert for years now, since he opened his practice. He was the first family practice doctor who treated me with a level of respect, consideration and compassion one would EXPECT but rarely receive these days. I'm treated as a whole person, not just the ailment I'm being seen for. Our bodies are made up of interrelated systems. A problem in one can manifest as a symptom in another. A pain in the foot can be caused by a problem in the knee. Dr, Schabert's vast knowledge (on which he also remains CURRENT) and approach to his patients gets to the cause of problems. He doesn't slap a bandaid or a prescription on the symptoms. Refreshingly, I also receive an education about the issue at hand, not a lecture or a dismissal of my questions and a do-as-I-say-because-I'M-the-doctor attitude. I have a ridiculous number of medical problems and they just keep coming. Not once have I been made to feel they're all "in my head" or I'm making them up. Instead, I know the effort is being made to find out WHY they're happening-both in office and through appropriate referrals. When the practice added medical grade massage therapy as a service, I finally got some regular relief from chronic pain due to a spinal injury. That injury also causes collateral muscle spams and wreaks havoc on my entire musculoskeletal system I wouldn't otherwise receive treatment for. My neurosurgeon can only prescribes pain killers and direct me to lose weight. Just today I had a massage and the therapist pinpointed my pain as originating from an area which did NOT hurt. Now I know to resume my physical therapy stretches. Next, they added medical grade skin treatments for sun damage. Instead of waiting for the damage to manifest as something more ominous and difficult to treat, I feel lucky to be offered preventative treatments. With a history of pre-cancerous actinic keratosis on my arm "requiring" a disfiguring punch biopsy, I'm grateful this service is available. Mika makes the treatments relaxing and enjoyable, but is knowledgeable, professional and also educates her patients. I've referred many people to this office, including my mother. It might make the wait longer due to demand, but I think everyone deserves the compassionate, holistic and respectful medical care they'll receive at Reliant. From reception to vitals to practitioner to check out...what they do, and how they do it, truly puts me at ease and I'd never go elsewhere.

Submitted April 7, 2015


I have been a patient for more than 2 years. This is not just your average Dr`s office it's like family. They take care of you with the best quality care possible. Dr. Schabert and Mika have helped me get my health and life back to a happy state. They're not just medical professionals. They are Angels. Thank you Mika and Dr Schabert.

Submitted April 5, 2015


I have been a patient of Dr. Schubert's office, Mika and staff for quite some time now. They are professional, compassionate and genuine care givers. I feel as if I am a part of their family when I am there. I have had some skin damage and due to hormones I am on an acne issue. The skin care treatments have completely transformed my skin and I have also been struggling with an injury on my arm/shoulder to which I have been receiving massage therapy. I receive outstanding care and I am relaxed, refreshed and de-stress when I leave. It is a very healing and rewarding experience. I have referred several people to the office and I will continue to do so as the professional medical services they provide is outstanding. It is distressing and unprofessional that anyone, let alone a former employee would tastelessly post such false and misleading information. I have nothing but love and respect for Mika and her staff. They are always very benevolent with their patients. . Michele Venick

Submitted April 2, 2015


Love, Love, Love this office. My family and I are patients of this practice and are extremely happy with the care we receive from Dr. Schabert, Mika and their staff. It saddens me that a former employee who was treated with such kindness and generosity would say such hurtful things to try put the practice in such a negative light. I have known Mika not only professionally but personally and she is a woman who would give the shirt off her back to a stranger if they needed it and she carriers that mind set to this practice. She takes care of my roscea and mild adult acne. I also grew up in age where we didn't use sun screen, so my skin was damaged. However the last time I visited my dermatologist, nothing was cut off and she said my skin looked great. I owe that to Mika. The same goes for my husband and two boys. It's great to go to an office where you can get all your needs met. I was blessed to see Dr. Schabert because of my ear ache as well as get my scheduled skin care for my roscea. I could keep going on but I won't. I'll just end how I started. Love, Love, Love this office and I will always be a patient.

Submitted April 1, 2015


This office is amazing! I have been a patient of Dr. Schabert since before he had his own practice. I was referred to Mika for my acne issue I've had for years. She has worked wonders for me. I highly recommend this office and their services. I find it deplorable that a disgruntled former employee will make the ugly comments about this practice on here! I will be a patient here forever!

Submitted April 1, 2015


Being disillusioned with my past doctors, who seldom requested any kind of testing or bloodwork, it was a breath of fresh air to find Dr. Schabert. He actually took the time to listen to a head-to-foot description of my "ailments" without making me feel rushed. He suggested bloodwork as a start in my treatment. He also adjusted my back and neck, which gave me a great amount of instant relief. He did NOT immediately write me a prescription for what he THOUGHT might ail me; he waited on test results. What a concept! At 62, with many years of sun damage, I have seen the dermatologist more than I wanted, and was tired of losing "scoops" of flesh for testing. Dr. Schabert recommended skin treatments by Mika, to remove the layers gradually. I can't tell you what a difference it has made in the appearance of my skin. She recently gave me a heavy-duty peel and I watched several layers slough off, revealing healthier skin and fewer scaly spots. I much prefer this method of removing problem areas, as opposed to painful, slow-healing craters. The massage therapy has also helped my back and hips. Even my feet! The staff and doctors at Family Reliant do indeed make you feel a part of their extended family and I recommend them every chance I get!

Submitted April 1, 2015


The office is the most friendly and make you feel like you are a part of a family. To have your medical needs as well as your health needs taken care of at one location is wonderful. Mika is one of the sweetest people I have met in all my 47 years of going to a medical office. Mika makes you feel like your her sister, not a patient. What a wonderful location to welcome everyone into their family.

Submitted April 1, 2015


I have been a patient at Dr. Schabert's office for 22 months. I arrived with excruciating pain from two car accidents. He has helped manage my pain. He is thorough and compassionate. He explains everything he is doing prior to the adjustment. He also informs me of the complications occuring within my body. I see Mika for my roscea. I had been experiencing bad bouts with this and Mika has kept things very managable through regular maintenance visits. She is compassionate and thorough. She takes the time to explain everything. She advises me on precautions to help with my skin condition. I also have severe sun damage that she helps treat. The new staff is professional and friendly. My entire family goes to Dr. Schabert's office due to my extreme confidence in their care. It is an added bonus that we can have many of our needs served in one location. I would disregard any negative comments posted about this practice. I have worked in dental practices for over 25 years and I can honestly say they are the BEST! Neila

Submitted April 1, 2015


I have been a patient of Dr. Schabert since before he opened his own practice, My family and I are extremely satisfied with his service. He had helped me tremendously with my constant pains, and I recommend him every chance that I get. Having massage therapy at the same location was an incredible and wonderful idea, I don’t think my symptoms would have improved so much without it.
Since I started the skin care sessions, not only my skin is looking much better, but I have learned how to take care of it, all thanks to Mika.
I have known Mika for many years, and it hurts me personally to see that one of her (past) employees is so determine to hurt her. Mika is one of the most generous people I know, and she is extremely generous especially with her employees, who, unfortunately were not capable to appreciate it, and actually abused her kindness. Too sad how bitterness and resentment can bring out the ugly side of people, the same people who had no complaints while they were enjoying all these benefits just days before.

Submitted April 1, 2015


I have been a regular patient at Reliant Family Practice since it's beginning. I truly love Dr. Schabert. He is the most wonderful, knowledgeable physician I have ever been to. I have had severe back and leg pain for quite some time and he is always ready to help. He is kind, caring and right on with his diagnosis. He listens and cares. Mika is also wonderful. Having been a licensed Esthetician in the past, it was wonderful to have someone else recognize that something was not right with my skin. Mika did a very close evaluation and started my treatments for my rosacea and actinic keratosis. What a joy to walk into one office who are all like family, see my doctor, obtain a medical massage and have my skin care all under one roof by caring, professional people. I have watched staff come and go, and it's always sad to see, but, Dr. Schabert and Mika are the backbones of the office. I would, and do, recommend this practice for all of your healthcare needs.

Submitted April 1, 2015

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