Dr. Robert L. Tayler

3.3 ( 5 reviews )


Ratings for Dr. Robert L. Tayler


I just had a root canal and he was very knowledgeable. Good humored the staff and he had me laughing ...and this was a root canal.
This tooth has been bothering me forever. I am glad I went to him. The whole staff is really educated and friendly. I would recommend him highly.

Submitted April 7, 2021


I went to Tayler on Monday, March 22, 2021 for an emergency root canal. ( I will not refer to him him Dr. as this person is not a professional)
When I expressed pain with the dental dam, he commented with "oh, what now??" As if me expressing discomfort was unacceptable to him (red flag).
After the root canal, that night I was in severe pain. (worse than the pain I was in before I went in) I called Tuesday morning and explained I was experiencing extreme pain and couldn't even bite down, any time that my teeth touched the pain was unbearable. They told me to come in at 11AM on Tuesday, March 23, 2021.
Tayler came in at 1130 and he was very abrupt with me after I told him how much pain I was in. I told him that I'd like to get additional x-rays as my mother had told me she has additional roots and I may have the same. He refused to do any xrays and with a raised voice and belittling manner, told me to not jump to conclusions. He said it had been less than 24 hrs and I was in pain before I came in so I needed to just wait it out. At this point I was in so much pain and felt defeated and started to cry. With complete disregard to me, he proceeded to have me bite down on the impression paper to see where my bite was hitting. I could not bite down hard enough due to the excrutiating pain and sensitivity. He responded saying , "if you can't even bite down, what do you expect me to do for you?" He coldly told the assistant to get me into another room if he was going to have to work on me, and he left the room. At this point , I wanted to leave, but the assistance was kind and did her best to recover from the damage from Tayler's horrible bedside manner. When he returned, he asked if I had called my husband and had settled down enough for him to work on me. He then numbed me and said he could shave down the tooth with the root canal so that my teeth would not touch in order to stop the pain and that it wouldn't matter that they no longer touch because that tooth will need a crown, then he mentioned in a condescending manner, that he would not prescribe anything for pain to avoid any issues with addiction etc. I told him I did not want pain meds, I wanted him to fix whatever was causing me this pain as it was worse than the pain before I came in and I have had several root canals prior to this and have never experienced such pain.
While shaving my tooth down , he was talking about his political beliefs and being very offensive.
It is now 6 days later, I am still in pain, not sleeping through the night and having to take advil and tylenol every four hours. Shaving my tooth down has thrown my bite line off, did not resolve my pain.
My regular Endodontist could not get me in for 3 weeks when the pain first started. I went to Tayler because he was the only person that ad openings(red flag).
This experience has caused me to lose work hours, sleep, and worst pain I have ever endured.
My desperate need for help and putting my trust in this person has caused me great suffering. Please read all his reviews, you'll notice that a patient will post their experiences and response from the owner will never take accountability for his actions. They will say the patient could not be found or some other reason that what is being reported is false. This man needs to retire and should not be responsible for the care of any patients. This is malpractice and this review is not where I will stop in order to ensure that no one else needs to go through what I have experienced.

Submitted March 28, 2021


The staff at Dr. Tayler's office was fantastic. However, he was not! He was 15 minutes late with a stain on his pants. He had terrible breath and teeth that needed attention. He wore his mask on his forehead and spit on my face while working. He swore in regards to LDS missionaries. He is overweight. Because of this he had a difficult time reaching around and pulled my hair constantly. During treatment, he dropped an instrument on the floor. It took him and his assistant a few minutes to find it. Once he did, he told me the floor was the cleanest place in the operatory and continued to use the dropped instrument. I will never go to Dr. Tayler again and I will never recommend him.

Submitted Nov. 6, 2016


I had to wait 30-45 minutes both times. Dr Tayler did not wear a mask, kind of burped. He did a great job fast and no need for pain killers after.

Submitted Feb. 5, 2013


I saw him twice, once for my wife and once for me. Dr. Tayler is an Endodontist and nothing else. Dr. Tayler on both times we were there appeared not to listen to what we had to say. In my case he wanted to perform root canals on healthy teeth because the roots were re-absorbing, three years later they are doing fine with bonding to immobilize them. In my wife's case, he was going to yank the crown and redo an existing root canal. Due to the perceived arrogance of Dr. Tayler and the lack of actually looking at the tooth, we went for a second opinion elsewhere and found that she actually had a cracked root that required extraction of the tooth. I understand that Dr. Tayler is good at what he does, but we could not stand him. The office staff that we interfaced with was nice and very helpful to us and to others that we saw talking to her. Office wait was about 15 min. for my wife and I was there long enough to read through a Reader's Digest (includes chair time waiting for him).

Submitted Feb. 24, 2008

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