About Endodontists

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Endodontists are trained to locate the origin of oral and facial pain and provide pain relief through an array of procedures that involve the inside of the tooth, from routine endodontic treatment to endodontic surgery.

Symptoms of issues that might require seeking treatment from an Endodontist can include tooth sensitivity to heat and cold as well as swelling and/or inflammation of the gums and tissue surrounding the tooth. Dentists are able to identify and treat these symptoms but in severe cases may refer patients to an Endodontist for specialized care. Like other oral health care specialists such as OrthodontistOral Surgeon, and Periodontists are the experts who often work to provide a combined treatment plan.

Endodontists treat patients whose teeth have become infected or when the tooth is in danger due to serious decay or damage to the tooth’s dental pulp.  The inside of a tooth consists of a pulp chamber and root canals which both contain dental pulp.  Dental pulp is made up of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue and is a vital component to the growth and overall development of teeth.

One of the most common procedures performed by an Endodontist is a root canal.  This procedure involves the cleaning of the dental pulp inside the tooth and its roots to remove infection.  Once cleaned, the Endodontist will fill the tooth to eventually be topped with a crown by a Dentist.

A common surgical procedure carried out by Endodontists is known as a root-end resection or apicoectomy.  This involves the Endodontist exposing the underlying bone of the tooth by cutting open the tissue around it and removing any infected tissue.

If Endodontic treatment is unsuccessful or not possible, this may lead to the tooth being extracted to avoid further damage to oral health and risk of infection.

Useful Resources


Canadian Dental Association

Canadian Academy of Endodontics

British Columbia






Newfoundland and Labrador

New Brunswick

Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island


Northwest Territories



United States of America

National Provider Identifier (NPI) 

American Dental Association

American Association of Endodontists



Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

Australian Dental Association

Australian Society of Endodontology


United Kingdom

General Dental Council

British Endodontic Society


Dental Council

Irish Endodontic Society


South Africa

Health Professions Council Of South Africa

South Africa Dental Association



National Medical Commission

Dental Council of India