This Simple Trick Could Stop You From Gaining Weight

A daily checkin could keep you in check, these experts found.

Trying to lose weight? It isn’t easy. Adjusting your eating habits takes time and determination.

And finding time to incorporate exercise into your daily regime may sometimes seem next to impossible.

The researchers at the University of Birmingham and Loughborough seem to know this.

According to a recent report on, a team conducted a study and found a way that can help to prevent yearly weight gain.

On average, we gain over a pound of weight each year. It doesn’t sound like much, but after 30 years, you’re looking at 30 pounds, which sort of is. A lot of our weight increase happens around the holidays. We simply put it on….and never take it off again.

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It was found that if you weigh yourself regularly however, you gain less.

The study divided 272 participants into 2 groups. One tracked volunteers’ weight with regular weigh-ins- at least twice a week- and the other didn’t have people weigh themselves at all.

The first group also received information on how long they would have to exercise in order to burn off their holiday food items.

The results? Those in the first group weighed 1 pound less than the other group at the end of the study. Ok, so one pound is almost inconsequential, but if you think of the accumulated weight over the years, again, it could add up.

What else can you do to curtail your waistline? Keep your portions small, exercise every day, and go for lower-fat options.

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