Ivanka Trump Admits She Suffered From Postpartum Depression. Here Are 5 Warning Signs

Ivanka Trump Admits She Suffered From Postpartum Depression. Here Are 5 Warning Signs

Some baby blues are typical but if it lasts for more than 2 weeks, it could be postpartum depression.

In a recent interview on Dr. Oz, Ivanka Trump admitted to suffering from postpartum after the birth of each of her three children. She didn’t go into too much detail about her experiences but professed that each post-birth was a hard time for her.

Around 15% of new mom experience some form of depression after the birth of their baby, which can range for mild to severe.

Here are 5 signs to look if you suspect that you have it, too:

1) You’re Crying Excessively

It’s normal to be more emotional after giving birth. Hormones are high and especially as your milk comes in, you may feel that the slightest thing sets you off. If this persists past two weeks after giving birth, you may be suffering from postpartum depression. Seek help and it will get better.

2) You’re Having Trouble Bonding With Your Baby

Women are expected to naturally love and cherish a new child. It’s a fact that not all women (or men) feel this way when they become a parent. If you’re dealing with depression, you may feel resentful of your child, overwhelmed and desperate. This is often due to a chemical imbalance and it treatable.

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3) It’s Hard to Sleep

Having trouble sleeping is a symptom of depression and it’s the same, post partum. It’s difficult to get proper sleep with a new born. If you find it impossible to get to sleep when you want to though, and stay asleep, something could be at work.

4) You’re Intensely Irritable

Everyone is more irritable when they are tired. If friends and family feel that you are excessively sensitive for a long period of time, you could be experiencing depression.

5) You Think of Harming Yourself of Your Baby

Women who are suffering from postpartum depression can feel the urge to harm themselves or their baby. If you feel this way, tell someone and seek medical help.

For more information, talk to your doctor and read more by clicking here.

Photo credit: goldenKB/Bigstock

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