How Common is Impotence in Older Men?

How Common is Impotence in Older Men?

It’s no surprise that many men can’t hold an erection for long enough to have sex once they age. But these stats might raise your eye brows.

If you feel like you or your partner is slipping away in the intimacy department, rest assured you’re not alone. When it comes to remaining frisky as you age, it presents a challenge for many. In fact most, depending on your age.

Many men suffer from impotence, or erectile dysfunction (ED), and it’s actually fairly common.

It’s difficult to come across extremely recent data, but The Cleveland Clinic cites statistics from The Massachusetts Male Aging Study (2012) that found just over 50% of the men involved showed symptoms of ED. Yes, 50 per cent!

Related: Couples Who Do This Together See An Improvement in Men’s Erectile Dysfunction

Broken down, it was discovered that by the age of 40, 40% of the men surveyed were affected by erectile dysfunction. That number rose to nearly 70% for men who were 70 years of age.

A larger national study called The National Health and Social Life Survey found similar results. Men between 50 and 59 years old were 3 times more likely to experience problems maintaining an erection and low sexual desire, compared with men aged 18-29.

Age-Related Illnesses

Are the statistics surprising? Not really. Chronic illnesses and conditions become more common as we age, it makes sense that problems having sex should increase as well.

Knowing the numbers involved could help you rest assured that whatever is going on in your body is nothing unusual.

How can you help your erections last longer, and increase your chances of achieving orgasm?

Talk with your doctor- this is an important first step, as they know your particular health history. If applicable, formulate a plan together as to how you can get in better physical shape, and improve your overall health.

Risk factors for ED cover a wide range of diagnoses, including things like cardiovascular disease (hypertension, atherosclerosis, and hyperlipidemia), diabetes and depression.

If you drink a lot, it can be a factor as can smoking, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, suffering from a spinal cord injury, cancer and more. Some conditions and illnesses are unavoidable but others can be helped with a better diet and more exercise. Speak to medical professionals to find out what’s best for you.

Photo credits: Tero Vesalainen/

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