How to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays in 5 Easy Steps

How to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays in 5 Easy Steps

Watch your portions, eat more slowly, and go for walks.

The holidays can be an amazing, delicious time. It’s the perfect moment to indulge in your favorite foods and allow yourself to partake in extra treats and delights that you might not normally have access to. But all those extra calories can soon add up.

According to Harvard Health, most of us tend to gain about one pound per year, and research shows that most of this can be attributed to holiday eating. While one pound isn’t that much, give yourself a few decades and you’ve now packed on an extra 30 or 40 pounds, which is undesirable.

But is holiday weight gain inevitable? It might feel like it. Experts say it doesn’t have to be, however. By sticking to a few simple guidelines, you can help fight back against those beautiful buffets.

Here are 5 tips for avoiding weight gain over the holidays.

Walk off the Extra Calories

Had a heavy dinner? Go for an extra walk to burn off your excess calories. Even during non-holiday times, you should be aiming for about 10,000 steps a day, which is about an hour of moderately paced daily walking.

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Choose Water

It’s easy to pack on extra calories through what you drink. A glass of eggnog is alluring but try to resist the temptation of going in for four. Sip slowly and have water throughout the day instead of juice or pop.

Eat More Slowly

Do you love that custard? Is the stuffing with gravy to die for? Then slow down and savor it, taking in the moment.

Eating more slowly has been shown to help you maintain a healthy body weight. People who eat faster have been found to gain more weight over time. Eating your meals more slowly allows your stomach to feel full, and for you to notice the sensation before you’re over-stuffed.

Stick to Eating Regularly Scheduled Meals

Avoid binging on delights and telling yourself you’ll just cut back on snacks and meals later on. By sticking to regular meal times at approximately the same time each day, you help your body stay on track. This also helps keep your waking and sleeping rhythms in line, which is always good.

Watch Your Portions

During the holidays it’s easy to overindulge by piling your favorites high on your plate. Remember, if you cooked the meal in your own home, you can always have leftovers later. There’s more of that pie and turkey to go around!

Remind yourself you can always have the same meal tomorrow, so it’s OK to go easy in the present.

By following these five tips, eating healthy snacks over holiday treats ,and going for lower fat foods rather than richer alternatives, you can help maintain a healthier body weight as you travel through the holidays.

It can also help to plan ahead when it comes to approaching holiday feasts. Consider eating lighter during the day to offset the calories taken in at the party, or to eat normally in the lead up to the event in order to not overindulge.

Healthy holidays are possible with the right perspective and reminders.

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photo credits: katiko.dp/

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