4 Ways to Love Being Active

4 Ways to Love Being Active

If you hate the idea of exercising, your expectations might be so high, you never meet them. But this can change.

Most of us want to lead an active life and improve our overall health. Many find it hard to find the time to exercise though, or to obtain the proper motivation to keep on being active, day in, day out.

Why is this? Everyone’s different. There are many reasons for not wanting to put your nose to the grind stone and researchers from the University of Michigan have found a few that are shared by many women.

Generally inactive women have a conflict going on in their life, experts have found. They want to relax and be free from pressures during their leisure time but a valid work out, they feel, should be an intense event.

If you’re in this group, how can you actually enjoy physical activity in your life? Consider these 4 tips on being active and loving it:

1) Take it Easy

Changing your vision of what it means to be active can help to motivate you to exercise more.

If you go all out and blast your muscles and lungs to kingdom come each time you strap on your running shoes, yes, exercise seems painful. No pain, no gain, right? Well, yes and no.

In order to warm up to doing some physical activity each day, remember that you can do what you like. Do what suits you, and doesn’t exhaust you.

Re-shape your vision of being active, and remember that you’re being you, not Arnold Schwarzenegger.

You don’t have to train for the Olympics to become an active person. If a 20 or 30 minute walk each day feels good, do it and call that your exercise…because it is.

2) Reward Yourself

Changing your vision of what it means to be active can help to motivate you to exercise more.

In line with #1, when you do go for a walk or a short bike ride-which are both great ways to exercise- reward yourself. Take note in your mind that you exercised and that’s great! Give yourself a pat on the back.

Keep an activity log if that suits you and jot down what you did. Have fun with it and reward yourself with your favorite wine, some reading time, a new movie or a pedicure to say, “Hey self, well done!”.

3) Forgive Yourself

Changing your vision of what it means to be active can help to motivate you to exercise more.

Remember, you haven’t joined the army (or maybe you have, great!). You just casually bought a pair of runners and have decided to use them.

So, if you miss being active for a day or two- or even a week- brush it off. Apparently, this study says that’s what the “high active” women do.

Basically, it’s a fact that you missed your workout. Your ‘superior’ isn’t going to make you do 200 laps as punishment. No biggie. It’s not the end of the world.

Start again when you want to, (and then congratulate yourself for doing so!)

4) Socialize and Hang Out

Changing your vision of what it means to be active can help to motivate you to exercise more.

Getting out and being active with a close family member or a best friend makes the whole thing even more fun.

Of course, if you’re someone who wants silence and alone time to reflect when you’re on a walk, jogging or swimming, stick to it and go alone.

But if you’d like to look forward to socializing during your active time, consider making it chatting time.

Get someone like-minded to join you. Your chances of sticking to it will increase, experts say. And if they aren’t right, who is?

Happy moving!

Photo credits: Fran Fruit/Bigstock; Kletr/Bigstock; Kzenon/Bigstock; keeweeboy/Bigstock

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