Dr. Alan Gallogly

4.6 ( 66 reviews )





Dr. Leon Turnbull

18 reviews






Ratings for Dr. Alan Gallogly


Nothing but praise for Dr Gallogly during my consultation. His kind and understanding approach was much appreciated during a difficult time for me. In previous consultations with other psychiatrists I was left feeling more stressed and anxious than prior to the appointment. I highly recommend Dr Gallogly.

Submitted Dec. 18, 2021


I have spoken with Dr Gallogly a few times now and have ben very pleased with his service.
He is a very kind and caring man.
I cannot thank Dr Gallogly enough for the ongoing support.

Submitted Sept. 10, 2021


Dr Allan is an amazing psychiatrist. I have severe OCD and anxiety. My OCD was dormant for 6 years at the time I saw him (so I didn't need to treat it) but the anxiety was really bad. After seeing Dr Gallogly and the amazing psychotherapist Nicola, my anxiety became so much better and I gained so much confidence. But then my OCD came back (which is weird as it's an anxiety disorder). It was so bad that I had to change psychiatrist to a local one, max 15 minutes away, in case of emergency. I am currently in a mental health facility and I adamant to get better.
Thank you thank you Alan & Nicola. You are both caring people that do your best to ensure your patients are progressing. If you had not helped me with my anxiety, my OCD relapse would have been even worse. I shudder to think what may have happened.

Submitted April 9, 2020


Dr. Gallogly is a kind and caring doctor, highly professional and an expert in psychiatric treatments. As a long term patient, I have known him for some time and he continues to provide stability even when I fluctuate. My latest stay in psychiatric hospital, I was terrified of receiving ECT and the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen, especially whilst psychotic and not capable of making my own decisions. Dr. Gallogly re-assured my treatment team it was the best course of action. I am happy to say after multiple ECT treatments, I am back to normal and there was nothing to fear in the end. The process is handled very carefully and the outcome was a huge positive for me considering where I prior which was terrifying. Couldn't be happier with the result and with Dr. Gallogly's follow up care post-ECT and other medications. Thanks!

Submitted Feb. 3, 2020


I'm happy to rate Alan very highly, as a fellow psychiatrist whose family member he has agreed to look after. Believe the 5-star comments - Alan is a 5-star specialist, caring, thorough and someone who works very hard with his patients to achieve the best outcome. No hesitation in recommending him.

Submitted Oct. 7, 2019


ALAN GALLOGLY IS THE BEST PSYCH/DOCTOR YOU WILL EVER MEET. My boyfriend found Dr Gallogly's details on this website and I'm so grateful that he did.
After being hospitalized, I demanded he 'fix me' and he suggest ECT or TMS he gave me all information and consequences, and I chose ECT (I had 16 sessions) and my life has been changed!
People have to want to get better, I always did and when I ever didn't think I could do it Alan believed in me and pushed me. I can easily say that Alan and ECT saved my life.
Seeing Alan is like seeing an old friend, but this friend actually has great advice!
(PS. Kelly is wonderful and so helpful when making bookings)
(PPS. Alan recommended I also see Nicola a psychotherapist, to aid in my recovery, and again I'm so thankful)

Submitted July 27, 2019


I think the negative comments expressed by some are extraordinarily unfair. Allan is dealing with patients in exceptional circumstances and they may not always see or understand the techniques that he uses to help them. For me, I found that Allan did not give up on my recovery even though it was very difficult and I and my family are very grateful for this. There are not that many Psychiatrist out there that are willing to work through your emotional problems in such depth and not just prescribe drugs. He is there to help you through your issues, but ultimately YOU must also work on this, and attacking his character is not the best way. I would advise people that want to negatively review Allan's work approach, to the courage to speak to him directly about your issues and then make a decision if he is the right Dr for you. Please do not go on websites like this and express your anger by attacking a persons professionalism. In the end no one benefits. Once again Allan THANK YOU and I would and have recommended you to friends. Regards R

Submitted Sept. 7, 2018


Conceited, arrogant and will time and time again defer to his ego over his professional and ethical judgment. Alan, you should really consider whether calling yourself a doctor is actually fair on your patients. Damaging and dismissive comments don't just go away. I might suggest a good hard look in the mirror before you see your next patient.

A heads up - when you constantly cancel appointments, your patients can and will overlook this, but not when there is no sincere apology, no actual attempt to run to an appointment schedule - running constantly late is annoying, but at least acknowledge it. You work in Mental Health, remember, your patients are more vulnerable and (were) trusting.

Submitted Aug. 19, 2018

Dr. Alan Gallogly's response
To the members of the public reading my reply I have the following to say:

Conceited of course means to be excessively proud of oneself and vain.
Arrogant of course means to have an exaggerated sense of one's own importance.
Anyone who truly knows me, knows I am the exact opposite of this.

As for calling myself "doctor", when my patients and nursing colleagues call me "doctor" - my response is always the same, "please don't call me doctor, I don't stand on ceremony, Alan will do just fine"

It is indeed true that damaging and dismissive comments don't just go away. It is for that exact reason I choose my words extremely carefully and always 'check-in' with the person I'm talking to, to make sure there are no misunderstandings.

Running constantly late is indeed annoying. I always run late because I give each and every patient whatever time they need.

I wish you nothing but the very best and hope you find peace in your heart.

Submitted Sept. 1, 2018


Dr. Alan Gallogly is one of the most amazing health practitioners I have ever come across. I'm an Allied Health Professional and Dr. Alan Gallogly has been referring outpatients to me for several years. Not only is he an absolute pleasure to work with, he is highly professional, an outstanding psychiatrist (his diagnostics are extremely accurate, which is proven by the amount of outpatients getting well again - he's spot on!), very approachable, kind, considerate, ethical and he has one main important goal; to get people well again!!! Time after time I have outpatients telling me they are so lucky and relieved to have come across Dr Alan Gallogly. Outpatients are constantly telling me how quick and brilliant he is at diagnosing the right medical treatment plan for them, which is getting them well again. Only last week I received several glowing reports about Dr. Alan Gallogly. Over and over again I hear feedback such as; "Thank goodness I came across Dr. Alan Gallgoly, he really got it right, he assessed me correctly and so quickly, he gets to the point and tells you with honesty what you need to know, he's a wonderful doctor, he really cares and is genuine, he has a great sense of humour and a very warm approachable manner, he put me at ease straight away, he always has a smile on his face, he gets it right and he gets me, I don't know where my life would be had I not come across Dr. Alan Gallogly, I'm so lucky and relieved I came across him, my life has changed because of him, he really looked after me, I can't thank him enough, I feel so much better, my life is so much better". The feedback I hear from outpatients and my professional feedback could fill up many pages on this forum. No wonder he has an excellent reputation!! The staff at South Eastern love having Dr. Alan Gallogly around and they look forward to it when he comes in. It seems wherever he goes, people benefit. As for my feedback, I can't speak highly enough of Dr. Alan Gallogly, he has a tremendous approach in wanting people to get well and he treats everybody he comes across with respect, care and professionalism. He is an absolute delight to work! Thank you Dr. Alan Gallogly, everybody needs to know about you as you are such a wonderful individual, doctor and colleague.

Submitted June 4, 2018


ANOTHER WARNING …… I have heard patients at South Eastern openly say that he needs to be taken down a peg or two.

So here is my honest experience. I have been a patient of Dr Gallogly for almost 2 years. I had a very traumatic childhood and was sexually abused until I could get out of the situation at age 16. It has ruined my life and my ability to function in the world. I still can’t bere a man to touch me.

A few things I have observed about him. He always has a smile on his face. He moves with lightening speed. He he works so hard. He has no time for bullsh*t. I ramble off topic he stops me dead in my tracks . He sugarcoats nothing. He challenges my negative beliefs about myself. When I first time I met him I thought he was an insensitive twat. He said things to me were so confronting.

Then I got to know him. He actually really cares. He is the only Psychiatrist who every listened to my whole story. And he is really really good fun.He never told me to pull myself together when I was angry or suicidal - but he did bluntly point out when I went into victim mode. Thats very confronting because past psychs never pulled me up . Looking back it was totally a waste of money. I’m not ‘fixed’ but I am definitely a happier person. I don’t feel a victim anymore. Im not angry at the world anymore.

The posters below are entitled to there opinion. But he is not dangerous. He is not appalling. And to say he is a negligent doctor is laughable. If you are looking for a doc who will allow you to wallow in self-pity he is not the doctor for you. He is no Dr Jekyll. (I’ve overheard the south eastern nurses say they like when dr G comes to the ward because, “he takes no crap”)

WARNING People reading these reviews need to know there are a small number of patients at south eastern who consistently bag him and plan to “knock him off his perch” because according to them - he thinks he’s gorgeous ! Very nasty.

Let Dr Gallogly look after those of us who know a good doctor when we find one. He has earned his good reputation.

Submitted June 2, 2018

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