Ratings for Dr. Zihe Shan


I would absolutely give this doctor zero stars if I could. Let’s start off with discussing this “doctor” and who a majority of his patients are. 98% of his patients are elders who rely on him for accurate diagnoses and advice, especially with the given times. We are in a PANDEMIC! My grandmother is 73 years old and has been Dr. Shan’s patient for TWENTY (20) years. And let me just tell you how much trust she had in him. She would listen to him over my mother or me when giving medical advice. And that’s understandable right? Solely trusting a doctor that has a MEDICAL degree for medical advice and a CORRECT diagnosis. My grandmother had a moment where she had fell off her chair. She seemed dizzy and me and my family most likely believed it to be vertigo. However, she had started feeling a bit ill for the following days. She seemed weak and didn’t have much of an appetite. She also had the slightest cough. So she of course made an appointment to visit her physician. The one she had 20 years worth of trust in. However, once she arrived to his office, since she had a slight cough, the doctor refused to see her in person. He said that he would set up a video call and do the “check up”. He conducted the video call and concluded about two mins later that she had allergies and prescribed her ALLERGY MEDICATION. Of course she complied and took the allergy medication everyday as instructed. Her appointment was on a Monday (4/26/2021). However, she had been taking the medication for a few days and seemed to be getting worse. We called the office and set up a teleconference with him and spoke to him. We said “you diagnosed my grandmother with allergies and you didn’t even speak to her for more than 5 minutes. You refused to see her and didn’t even direct her to do anything but take this medication that didn’t even work. She isn’t getting better, she doesn’t want to eat, and you need to give her some advice now because she only listens to you.” He responded in these exact words: “oh you’re right, she doesn’t have allergies.” He blatantly admitted to his misdiagnosis with zero concern. My grandmother had all of her faith in this doctor that completely misled and misdiagnosed her. We took her to the E.R. on Friday night (4/30/2021) (nearly 5 days after her appointment and misdiagnosis) and had her COVID-tested. She came out positive and her oxygen levels were dangerously low upon arrival to the E.R. During these times all the doctor had to do is instruct her to get COVID tested. If he didn’t have the facilities to complete such COVID test, he should have advised her and given her locations as to where she can get tested. Because with each day, my grandmother had told us she was getting better because she had faith in her doctor and the medicine he gave her. However, me and my family could clearly see that she wasn’t getting better and we have to advocate for her. How can a doctor who has a MAJORITY of high risk (elderly) patients, not direct a patient to get COVID tested during these times? She is now currently hospitalized for COVID, and on a VENTILATOR! and is fighting for her life in the hospital because of a doctor who couldn’t even diagnose/advise her in the correct way. If he had advised her correctly, we would have known sooner that she was COVID-positive. And keep in mind that we had brought her to the ER, FIVE (5) days after her doctor’s appointment, which would have made all of the difference. We could have tackled this earlier but the misdiagnosis allowed the virus to progress. Please do not send your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather or anyone to this doctor. All the doctor had to do was review the symptoms of covid with her and advise her to get tested. But no, this was a result of pure laziness, carelessness, and now my grandmother is currently fighting for her life because of NEGLIGENCE. Please do not send any of your loved ones to this doctor.

Submitted May 20, 2021

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Zihe Shan's Credentials


  • Italian


  • Sun Yat-Sen Univ Of Med Sci, Guangzhou, China (242-21 Pr 1/71) (Grad. 1983)

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

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