Dr. Fred Hui

4.7 ( 329 reviews )





Dr. Amin Ladak (Aminmohamed)

31 reviews

Ratings for Dr. Fred Hui


I feel so much love and gratitude for Dr. H and all that he does! He is a wonderful doctor who listens well, and all he wants is for you to feel better. He is very passionate about helping others. He has helped both my husband and I to heal.

I have been on a healing path for years, struggling with adrenal fatigue, muscle soreness/pain and brain inflammation (in the past was diagnosed with CFS/ME + Fibromyalgia and also Lyme co-infections). I have worked with some of the best Functional MD’s and Naturopaths who really understand sensitive bodies like mine, and yet I have not seen great results in my health. I have done a lot of mind/body, somatic, trauma reprocessing, nervous system regulation, and spiritual work which has helped me to handle the challenges with greater ease, but my body was still stuck.

With Dr. H, I have done ozone (which worked well) as well as various other IV’s, but most recently I was struggling with brain inflammation and mood imbalances and fatigue and tried the Methylene Blue IV and all I can say is WOW. I have never tried anything, where within a few hours, my brain felt clearer, my energy increased, my mood so balanced and bright, and all the positive neuroplasticity work I have been doing on my brain to see life in a certain way was so incredibly easy to access, even in stressful moments. It was like I could have this amazing perspective and not even have to mount a stress response for the things that caused so much stress to me before. WOW. I have never had a wow experience like this in my life. I felt like my life force was all coming back (and I didn’t realize even how much of it was dulled down).

I also have been doing NAD IV’s, Chronic Fatigue IV and the Mood/Amino IV, which have all helped. I have a very sensitive body and yet I was able to handle these IV’s without too much detox reactions. I am seeing results, which is so exciting.

I am not a fan of taking medication, which Dr. H knows, and he respects this. He encourages the treatments that he thinks is best based on the clinical results he has seen, but he does not push or force. He lets you decide what you feel is best for you. This helped me to try a medication that my body really needed for now, and I’m so glad I did as it’s helping me too.

Dr. H’s staff are all so kind, patient and caring, and always willing to help. It is a pleasant environment to heal in.

I highly recommend Dr. H. He is able to help in ways that other doctors cannot. He focuses on getting you better faster so you can feel like your true self again. He is kind and helpful, and he truly cares about his patients well-being. He has never tried to push his therapies or made it seem like he’s all about the money. He is doing his soul calling work and serving God by helping others to heal, often when they have tried so many other things that have not worked. I am grateful for him.

Submitted Aug. 6, 2023


BEWARE. Dr. Fred outlined an extensive and expensive ($20,000 plus) plan to treat long covid providing a long story that all of the components of treatment should be done at once. His analogy was that if you renovate a house, it makes more sense to rip it down to the foundation before rebuilding, instead of fixing one room at a time. This is a bad idea when treating the human body. However, it does support his aggressive revenue-increasing attitude. His ozone treatment resulted in a blood clot in my upper arm, requiring numerous diagnostics and medical interventions. When I informed them I could not continue treatments due to the blood clot, Dr. Fred and staff did not follow up to provide further assistance or express regret that their treatment caused a blood clot.

Submitted July 11, 2023


Dr. H is amazing!!! One of the many positive traits that describes Dr. H is that he listens.
Whatever the issue, his demeanour reflects a sense of calm and can easily set you at ease with a path forward.

Submitted May 30, 2023


Dr Fred H.ui is an Excellent Doctor with a caring heart!! He's a Doctor that looks after you from your head to your toe, because that's how our body is suppose to function..I have been sick for sometime with multiple symptoms. Every organ in my body have been affected with spasms, pains, tingling, muscle weakness and chronically fatigue. So much discomfort in my body despite eating a healthy diet and exercising. I got even worse after my radioactive iodine therapy. I researched and seek out Dr. H.. OMG!! A very brilliant Doctor who looks for what cannot be seen on x-rays or ultrasound or for most test. He listens to my complaints and investigates. And gives appropriate treatments. I had 4 treatments so far of Ozone and supplemental Therapies and I can safely say that I feel my muscles relaxed, lots of inflammation gone, more energy, my salivary glands actually working, dry eyes no longer dry. I have to say that I am feeling way better in just 3 weeks, than I have in the last 20 years!! Dr H. is really good at what he does and the entire staff at the clinics are supportive, understanding, caring and wonderfully pleasant!! I am truly pleased with my treatments. Thank you Dr. H.

Submitted May 17, 2023


Amazing doctor! Gets to the source of the problem you are experiencing. Listens carefully to you. Provides a step by step plan for treatment. Dr. H literally saved my life by making me well and giving me my life back! Always looking at new treatment options available for his patients. I would highly recommend Dr. H to anyone suffering from health issues. Combines Western medical treatment and Chinese medicine.

Submitted May 15, 2023


Very attentive and provide helping method to my concern Dr Fred is knowledgeable both Chinese and Western medicine.

Submitted May 13, 2023


I was referred to the Good Dr buy a friend that got great results under his care. I can't say enough about this incredible Dr. He Listened for starters, I felt he truly cared. I did not feel rushed and a very in dept history was taken,

I had been feeling not well for a year or more. Almost immediately Dr H found thru some tests had an accurate diagnosis. Previously I was seeing a cardiologist and was given poor care and with not much advice.
If I hadn't been a previous nurse I don't believe I would be here to tell you my story. Even though I had some blood work and a few tests there was no follow up with me even with poor results. I went to his office to get the reports as I truly wasn't feeling well. I was going out of the country on business not feeling well. I felt I should bring my medical file with me. The report was terrible along with the blood tests and other tests. I asked why someone wouldn't call me with this report and was told I had an appointment booked for May 2023. and this was in August of 2022. I felt so ill that I said "I will be dead by then"

I am so fortunate to have been told by a friend, who gave a rating of 10 out of 10. I still have a journey ahead of me but feel so confident the good DOC is the best Dr that I have had experience with. I know he has my back and I am feeling confident I will be well and at this time definitely feeling much better. Working in the medical arena for years previously, I truly feel I can say this with certainty. I am feeling blessed to have been led to find this incredible Dr. I love the fact he practices both eastern and Western medicine which not many drs do and don't seem to be willing to know or learn what the good Dr knows.

I feel I am now on the road to wellness with hope and happiness. You can't put a price on your health. I will continue to follow DR H advice and treatments knowing I won't get better overnight as I didn't get this way overnight, however I continue to feel a little better each day. I highly recommend this amazing man. I believe I am more than a number to him, but a patient with anxiety and scarred that needed help, and he definitely has been there for me. I recommend this DR as I know he just might be an answer to your prayerss.

Submitted May 13, 2023


10 star! If not for this wonderful human being I would not be in the gym every morning at 62 years of age and living a full life today. I was told by top doctors that a limited and unhealthy life is the norm for me going forward and not to expect anything better after my surgery, to just accept the fast declining body state. Not so with this doctor. Just over 5 years and super happy with the level of knowledge and support for my health concerns. I have had an initial treatment protocol that allowed me to start my physical journey to optimal health, and then a few years later when my system re-presented with a debilitating health concern. He was quick to assess and the healing protocol slowly brought my system back into balance. Once you lose your health it can be a slow road back but definitely back into balance. I have used all 3 offices and can only say good things about the staff and their medical team. Punctuality usually reasonable and best with appointment.

Submitted May 10, 2023


I came to Dr. H with a diagnosis of Palindromic Rheumatism which resulted in periodic joint flare ups that were debilitating. Through a DNA test we learned I had 2 latent viruses and 1 bacteria in my system which he addressed with multiple Ozone therapy treatments. After 21 treatments, the DNA test came back negative, I have not had a flare up in 4 months and the C-reactive protein marker (inflammation) on my blood test has gone from 17 one year ago to 1.2 today. I didn't think this result was possible - thank you Dr. H!

Submitted April 19, 2023


I was diagnosed with Neuroendocrine cancer almost 3 years ago. It is stage four and low grade. I have tumors in abdomen, small bowel, pelvis and has been metastatic to other areas of my stomach.

I was suffering from stomach pain, bloating, burping, diarrhea and a lot of discomfort after each meal. My oncologist did not know if my stomach pain was due to cancer or not. I have been suffering from stomach discomfort for many years before I was diagnosed with cancer. My family doctor was prescribing acid blocker and I was taking it for many years. but it was not helping any more.

I visited dr. Fred in June 2022. He carefully listened to me and spent time speaking to me. He ordered different kinds of tests. He explained about many of my problems. One of his important recommendations was to stop taking acid blocker and not take it anymore. I followed his advice of stopping the acid blocker and his advice of taking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar before each meal. Quickly, I realized all my pain and stomach discomfort disappeared. I am following the same diet as before but amazingly I am not suffering from any stomach discomfort. It is unbelievable.

Furthermore, dr. Fred discovered I have H. Pylori and treated me successfully.

Moreover, he diagnosed me with low thyroid and treated me for that. Since I have taken thyroid medication, I feel my digestive system and bowel movement is working much better than before.

Since I am under his treatment, flushing, which is one of the cancer symptoms, is decreasing a lot.

He is such a knowledgeable, dedicated, honest and professional physician who cares for his patients. I feel very lucky to know doctor Fred and have him as my physician. I appreciate very much for his care and skills contributed to my treatment.
I am recommending him to anyone who needs his help and support.
Macy Tatari - March 25, 2023

Submitted March 25, 2023

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Fred Hui's Credentials


  • U of T (Grad. 1979)

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

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