Dr. Curtis McCarty III

Dr. Curtis McCarty III's Credentials

Accepting New Patients

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Curtis McCarty III, MD is our Pathology Medical Director and joined The Iowa Clinic in late 2018 with an eagerness to bring his skills as an expert-trained general surgical pathologist to the clinic. He specializes in gastrointestinal, gynecologic, breast and cytology. Most recently he was the Director of Pathology at Gastrohealth in Miami, Florida, and has also practiced at the Cleveland Clinic and Vitro Molecular Laboratory. Now at the peak of his career in experience, training, and efficiency, he looks forward to the strong collaborative care environment The Iowa Clinic provides. As a child, Dr. McCarty spent many summers at his grandparent's farm in Henrietta, Oklahoma. He recalls this time as the “best time in his life.” Today, he owns a farm of his own in Plymouth, Illinois, and is an avid outdoorsman. Outside of work he enjoys farming and hunting.

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