Ratings for Dr. Steve Yu


I met Dr. Yu after being referred by a friend. I was terrified of the thought of having a hysterectomy. He reassured me that I did not need one and that he could only move the fibroid which I preferred. He performed a laparoscopic myomectomy to remove the fibroid which was probably the size of a tennis ball. It's been 2 weeks and I feel amazing. The surgery team and nurses were outstanding. I am so happy that I decided to go ahead and have the surgery. Immediately following the surgery, there was pain which was to be expected, but the pain gradually decreased each day.

I am returning to work in less than three weeks which is great. Dr. Yu is so compassionate and smart and he makes you feel very comfortable. I also appreciate that he lets you know the various options you have and allows you to make to make the decision.

Submitted Oct. 4, 2015


Dr. Steve Yu is amazingly skilled at what he does! I was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid the size of a large grapefruit that interfered with intercourse and made my stomach look like I had menstrual bloat all the time. I found Dr. William Parker on line, who referred me to Dr. Yu. And everything with the process from that point forward was smooth, easy and reassuring.

After comprehensive explanation of my condition and options, a laparoscopic surgery was scheduled quickly and went better than I could have ever imagined. The incisions are small and recovery (which is almost 3 weeks now) has exceeded my expectations in terms of healing time.

I am still absolutely amazed that this surgery can be done in such a minimally invasive way and how well Dr. Yu executed it. I had consulted with other physicians prior to finding Dr. Yu - one told me to just go on birth control pills and another said I would need a hysterectomy. Dr. Yu explained there was absolutely no reason I needed a hysterectomy and all he would do was remove the rather large fibroid and leave all other structure in tact. He did just that - and did it incredibly well. I can't thank him enough for improving my quality of life.

Additionally Dr. Yu's staff are wonderful! The UCLA facility where I had surgery is fantastic and all the nurses were so, so helpful and kind. It was all just a really great experience. A million thank yous to Dr. Yu and his staff.

Submitted Aug. 23, 2015


Dr. Yu was referred to me by four physicians, and I highly recommend him!
I believe Dr. Yu saved my life. He performed a laparoscopic robotic hysterectomy on me on May 15, 2015. Several pap results showed abnormal cells, but biopsies from colposcopies and a L.E.E.P. failed to reveal the location. Dr. Yu explained everything results and options very clearly. His use of lists and medical diagrams are super helpful!
I did not want to wait for more tests and results, for fear of cancer growing. I was eager to have everything removed, but he explained the benefits of keeping healthy ovaries (including positive effect on the heart and memory even after menopause), which made me again grateful of his up-to-date expertise.
Dr. Yu was hands-on in getting my insurance approval. And his office walked me through all pre-op tasks.
Surgery is scary, but Dr. Yu and the staff at UCLA were supportive. Dr. Yu called me after surgery with the news that the cancer cells had been hiding, were fully formed and ready to spread.
He gleefully reported to me that all cancer cells had been removed. And that I am considered cured. Thank you, Dr. Yu and staff!

Submitted July 23, 2015


In April of 2014 I learned that I had a large submucosal fibroid in my uterus. My GP had told me not to worry about it but I had gotten to the point where I was experiencing heavy spotting on a daily basis. That's when I went to see Dr. Yu. He explained my options and was very patient when I voiced my concerns - I'd never had surgery before and I was terrified. But Dr. Yu was optimistic about my surgery based on the kind of fibroid I had and where it was located. I consented to surgery and he performed my laparoscopic myomectomy in 2015. My surgery went smoothly and my recovery was so much easier than I anticipated. Dr. Yu even took pictures during the procedure and walked me through each image during my two week follow-up appointment. It was really great (and kind of gross!) to see exactly how the procedure had gone. I'm several months post surgery now and I am so happy I decided to go through with the procedure. I feel better and I don't spot constantly anymore. I wouldn't call Dr. Yu a warm and fuzzy guy, but he's an excellent doctor who is very good at what he does.

Submitted July 9, 2015


I recently discovered that I had a beneign tumor on my ovary. I was able to get an appointment with Dr. Yu in less than one week for a consultation. He gave me several options and alternatives to surgery, but I knew that I wanted to have my ovaries removed.

I have had many surgeries, but this was one of the easiest surgeries I have ever had. The surgical center ran on time and the nurses that were assigned to me were very helpful and informative. In fact, everyone at the surgical center was upbeat, pleasant and positive. Dr. Yu came to see me before surgery to see if I had any questions and to meet my husband. He made me feel so comfortable and secure as I was rolled into surgery.

As soon as the surgery was over he found my husband waiting downstairs and explained to him everything that had happened during surgery and what to expect in the week to come.

Recovery has been a piece of cake and Dr. Yu has been readily available to answer all of my questions since the surgery.

If I knew it was going to be this easy and this pleasant I would have done this years ago. I would (and have) recommended Dr.Yu to anyone that is putting off or needs to have this type of surgery.

Submitted April 29, 2015


Dr Yu is an excellent doctor. I was suffering from fibroids for two years and I found Dr William Parker online. He referred me to Dr Yu. My first meeting with Dr Yu was great. He gave me couple of treatment options. I chose one of them, scheduled the surgery, but was not sure whether I was correct in making the decision. Four days before the surgery I consulted Dr Yu again with my husband and was in tears explaining my state of mind to him, but Dr Yu was very calm and he explained me the entire situation and all the options in detail. If Dr Yu reads this review may be he will remember me and that I might be the most confused patient he had. LOL. Dr Yu in no way tried to influence my decision or force the surgery but he helped me in validating all the options practically. It helped me in making up my mind and I went ahead with the surgery. It went very well due to Dr Yu's outstanding skills. UCLA facility is awesome and nurses were angles ! Recovery was a breeze and today I feel great. He is the best doctor I have ever had in terms of skills as well as time management. Thanks Dr Yu for making me fibroid free!

Submitted April 27, 2015


Dr. Yu is an excellent doctor. He helped me with his great surgical expertise , which I am eternally grateful! Couldn't ask more from a surgeon - great bedside manners and stellar skills!

Submitted April 15, 2015


Went in for a second opinion on an abnormal pap I had 6 months prior. Rather than recommending another pap, he pressured me into a coplposcopy and FAILED to tell me he was also performing a biopsy at the same time. I told him I didn't want any surgury and wanted a less invasive procedure, like a visual test or scraping. He ignored me and performed a biopsy instead. He then lied about me consenting to it later. He also unncessarily showed me a picture of a flacid male reproductive organ when discussing STDs. Totally unnnecessary for a mature woman/patient. DO NOT GO TO THIS DOCTOR.

Submitted March 31, 2015


For years my doctors told me to "wait and see" about my fibriod(s). Since I was 25. Now, over 20 years later, I could barely walk from the pain since the fibroid had grown to the size of a grapefruit and several smaller ones had developed. Two other surgeons gave me hysterectomy and HRT as the only option. Knowing my mother's history - the exact same situation, and being Estrogen+ Receptive, she developed breast cancer. I searched for a better solution and was cautiously optimistic when I found Dr William Parker online on the Fibroid Second Opinion site. I submitted the info form and contacted the office. The girls there were fantastic - I emailed them the form and a screenshot from my current CT Scan, which showed the pedunculated fibroid well defined. Dr Parker replied that if I could get my insurance to cover it, he would recommend me to Dr Steve Yu. It was almost enrollment time and I switched to PPO. Financially this was a tough decision, but now that I am 3 weeks post-op, oh my gosh, I could not be happier about my decision!

My first meeting with Dr. Steve Yu was very good. I was nervous but his demeanor was calm and reassuring. He listened to my history, concerns and reasons, and he answered all my questions. As I was leaving, I remembered another question and he brought me back to continue the discussion. We scheduled the surgery for 1 month away. I was actually starting to look forward to the laproscopic myomectomy surgery!

I still needed to go get an MRI, and get clearances from other doctors for other health conditions. I had to work back and forth with the surgery scheduler in the office and Regina was fantastic to help me keep things on track as it was a bit over-whelming for me.

Surgery day arrived and the UCLA facility looked more like a hotel then a hospital! And everyone I interacted with - from the lady in the waiting room to each and every attendee in the surgical team that I met during prep - were kind and conscientious beyond all my previous interactions at other surgical facilities.

My recovery was far better than I was expecting (based on a previous lumpectomy). Two & a half weeks after the surgery I had a follow-up with Dr. Yu. After a physical exam, we sat down to discuss the actual surgery and my post-op questions.

I do not think I could be happier with my entire experience with Dr. Yu, his staff and the UCLA surgical team! I have been telling every woman I know that if they need a specialist, this is the way to go!

Submitted Feb. 27, 2015


I have had a problem with fibroids for about 5 years. I endured heavy periods, pelvic pressure, and general sense of discomfort for a long time. It seemed that a hysterectomy was the only answer. My gynecologist referred me to Dr. Yu, and that was the best thing that could have happened to me. Dr. Yu was not only professional, courteous, and knowledgable, I believe he truly cared about helping me solve my problem. I had great faith in his ability to operate (I chose a myomectomy) and was so glad that I did. I didn't have to have a hysterectomy, and I was back at work after about a week, and back to normal activities after 2. Dr. Yu changed my life and I am so grateful to him. Thank you Dr. Yu!

Submitted Feb. 19, 2015

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