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Dr. Lois Nightingale's Credentials

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Dr. Nightingale has been helping adults, couples, teens & children overcome anxiety & depression for over 30 yrs. Listen to her approach at: http://bit.ly/1OdWAX3 Amazon carries her self-help books for parents, couples & children. She's past-director of psychiatric and chemical dependency programs. Her conference lectures focus on relationships & parenting. She's known for her humor, compassion & dedication to helping clients attain practical solutions. To remain enthusiastic & current in her field, she invests over 200 hrs annually in continuing education and specialized training. Find her books at amazon.com/author/loisnightingale Her Brief Therapy model focuses on empowering clients to regain control over their lives. First she listens with compassion then helps you build communication skills and tools for handling difficult emotions. She also encourages making life-affirming choices while developing self- acceptance. Her homework assignments can enhance progress between sessions. She is one of the few therapists licensed both as a Psychologist (Ph.D.level) and Marriage, Family, Child Therapist (Masters). She receives advanced training in many therapy modalities including Family Systems, Child Therapy & Couples Communication. Listen to her anxiety relaxation tips: http://bit.ly/1Up1j4J. If you're inquiring PLEASE leave a phone number.

Publications & Research

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