Dr. Carey M. Vigor

4.1 ( 51 reviews )





Ratings for Dr. Carey M. Vigor


I have been a patient for a long time doing well thanks to Dr Vigor It is appalling that these horrible reviews are allowed on these sites I know the women who wrote these defamatory reviews They are in and out of jail The one lady has a daughter who is a meth addict who wont give her mother a ride unless she gives her her meds The other one used an expired Medicaid card lied about her income and got mad when the lab billed her And as far as billing insurance Dr Vigor had her identity stolen in Detroit and was not found guilty of anything She soends way more time with patients than they deserve She see one patient an hour and sometimes gies iver and then these ingrates complain they have to wait They should go to a methadone clinic every day wait for hours and pay cash The only way to keep these low lives out if the building is to tell them to stay in their car or enot answer their calls Dr Vigor always answers her good patients calls If she does not answer your calls it is because you are undesireable and not welcome in her waiting area I do not like these nogoodniks approaching me in the waiting area asking me for money either Good riddance stay in your car forever you yucky people

Submitted April 1, 2017


If Dr Vigor tells you to wait in your car it is for your and her safety and privacy I sm the one who texted Dr Vigor that the elderly lady and the young female were banging on doors in ger building yelling wildly looking for her The young one appeared high on meth and was harassing me as well That other woman who wrote Dr Vigor writes scripts liberally is my neighbor I am so sorry I referred her She lied about her income and insurance and got mad when the lab sent her a bill because Dr Vigor gave the lab a bad insurance card that expired years ago Don't believe these sour grapes reviews theyre just mad Dr Vigor discharged rhem or wouldnot allow them in the building

Submitted April 1, 2017


I know those mean spirited posters I am a patient of Dr Vigor's and witnessed an older female and a younger female disturbing the peace in the building at about 1215 pm on a Tuesday or Wednesday a couple of months ago. I saw them go door to door yelling demanding to know where this doctor was. The older woman asked me if she could borrow money from me. I called the doctor who was out for lunch who told me she did not know who these women were, but they could be related to a new patient that was scheduled to be seen later that day. I spoke to the doctor later who apologized profusely to me about the incident. Apparently the two women thought they had an appointment with the doctor but did not as the doctor never confirmed the appointment due to problems with the background check. The doctor told me that she instructed the woman to stay in her car while she performed additional background checks on her and advised her that she had reason to believe that she had disturbed the peace and was not welcome in the building. They should be glad that the doctor did not call the police but rather simply advised them to stay in their car. This doctor deserves a medal for putting up with such behavior from n'er do wells and low lives.

Submitted March 30, 2017


I've been seeing Dr. Vigor for almost 2 years now. For all the people putting negative posts on here, take some responsibility for YOUR actions instead of trying to dog one of the few doctors that is even prescribing suboxone anymore. You guys don't know how good you have/had it. For every one patient she sees that is truly trying to get better, there are probably 20 of you trying to scam the system. YOU came to her to get help for being an addict. If you don't follow her rules, she'll drop you as a patient. And if you don't want to get dropped, follow the rules! It's that simple! Is it unprofessional to expect your patients to behave appropriately while waiting to be seen? How about lying to her? Should she be OK with that? Should she look the other way when she knows people are scamming her? We all know addicts try to beat the system at all corners. So, if you're truly trying to become better and want suboxone to help, stop trying to beat the system! Stop lying to your doctor! Stop doing other drugs and asking someone to pee for you! Seriously, have some personal accountability.

I've seen on here people say it's unprofessional for her to treat patients from an office. I know of psychiatrists that see patients from home! Addiction is a mental disorder. I honestly don't think you need to be in an actual doctor's office or hospital to be treated. But those that can't handle it, yeah, you should be in some inpatient treatment facility. Try to have a life then. How will you work? Provide for your family? With Dr. Vigor, you can have a face-to-face relationship with a doctor that listens to you and helps you accordingly...while still living your everyday life! Get with the program guys. Addiction is a huge problem everywhere. So stop trying to demonize someone that's actually helping some people because the way they do it is different from how you've seen it done before. I know I appreciate Dr. Vigor and what she does. And I'm grateful to have someone like her in my corner. And I hate going to a doctor's office. So, going to her office, sitting and discussing my issues and getting the help I need is a HUGE benefit to a person that's trying to live a normal life. But, along with everything else in an active addict's life, I'm sure Dr. Vigor's methods are yet another example of how your addiction is everyone else's fault but your own! Quit bad mouthing Dr. Vigor when you should be taking a long look in the mirror.

Submitted March 28, 2017


I was in my car and warned Dr Vigor about those two females I know them from another clinic They asked to buy my pee Dr Vigor is alone inher office and dies not need these criminals bothering her For the safety of her grateful compliant patients I am gkad she would not ket them in her office She told me that she ran background checks on the older one on mycase.in.gov and she had lots of drug related convictions If Dr Vigor makes you wait in your car she has a good reason She needs a body guard Dont believe what these drug seeking criminals post here This doctor has really helped me and lots of other patients who are not criminals

Submitted March 27, 2017


She does make you wait in your car till she sends you a text to come in. Her office is a 5x5 closet with a futon were you sit and a chair for her. She NEVER talks about the issues of why you are going to see her. She spends over a hour talking about other patients, money and how "horrible" the insurance company's are. She will find out what ur insurance will pay for and she will then bill them for it, even though she never does the test or service on you. I to have received long, strange random text from her. She has been charged with Medicare fraud by the federal government. She preys on addicts who are trying to get clean. She does this because she knows nobody will believe an addict. So she will abuse them, rip them off, then when the patient calls her on her scams, she will kick you out for no legitimate reason. She will claim you failed a test or missed an appt., but she knows it's because the patient caught on. It's quite sad. The comment below mine speaks so much truth. And all the good reviews are from her, I would bet a million on it. Please stay away from her. You will end up worse than what you were b4 u went to see her, like my sister did.

Submitted Jan. 31, 2017


Seriosyl, all you people that believe her to be a good Dr. must enjoy a Dr, who doesn't ask questions and gives you any type of Suboxones, you want. You must be addicts or @ the very least, high on them when you commented. My best friend went to this Dr., She liked her @ first too! But, for one, my friend got tired of waiting in her car. I have NEVER, IN MY ALMOST 48YRS, heard of any Dr., so unprefessional, she makes wait in your car until she text you to let you know that you can come in. Then when you do get in, you have to give her cash as soon as you walk in. P.S. that price is doubling! My friend went ahead and made her next appt. @ that time. But then, out of nowhere, she started texting my friend hateful, bitter messages. This woman in supposed to be a Dr. of Psychiatry! After I read the text messages that she sent my best friend, I believe, she could use some help, iin that area. I can almost see her going to this sight, being the one that gave HERSELF, MOST, IF NOT ALL OF HER POSITIVE, GLOWING REVIEWS, FOR REAL! I've never met her but by the text messages she sent, MY OPINION IS THAT SHE IS JUST STRAIGHT- UP SHADY!

Submitted Jan. 30, 2017


I have been seeing Dr. Vigor for around six months, and would recommend her to anyone seeking to make positive in their life. She has always maintained a high level of professionalism, respectability, and privacy with me as a patient. Very knowledgable of all aspects of my treatment!

Submitted Nov. 17, 2016


I was in the waiting area when this older lady and a young girl were banging on other office doors at about 1230 yelling they had an appointment with Dr Vigor. I texted Dr Vigor and told her not to come in the building because these two seemed drunk or something and were yelling at me that they had an appointment. I heard them talking about how they were going to sell the prescription they thought they were going to get from Dr Vigor. I am pretty sure the review submitted October 26 is from his woman who was yelling about going back to South Bend. Why would this lady drive three hours to see a doctor and show up at lunchtime? This lady is just mad I warned the doctor not to come in and knew I heard her talking about conning the doctor. And she wrote "fraudulent to a great degree" Oh brother what a con lady. She acted like she was on meth and her face had scabs all over it like they do.

Submitted Nov. 4, 2016


I've been going to doctor vigor for about a year and by far she has been one of the doctors I felt that has cared about my well being. Great doctor

Submitted March 24, 2016

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Carey M. Vigor's Credentials


  • Wayne State University School Of Medicine (Grad. 1977)

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

Other patients have successfully used these insurance providers, please call the Doctor's office to find out if your insurance plan is accepted.
Medicaid / Medi-Cal