Dr. Avery M. Jackson

2.6 ( 25 reviews )

Ratings for Dr. Avery M. Jackson


Dr. Avery Jackson is the BEST Neurosurgeon on the planet!!! He fixed my lower lumbars so I can now walk again.

Submitted April 5, 2023


Dr. Jackson performed 3 surgeries on me in 2021 and I was worse after every surgery. Initially I was to have a simple microdiscectomy due to herniated disc-this was not a success and he recommended a L4-S1 fusion. After the fusion I had excruciating pain which progressed to the point of me being unable to sit/stand longer than 20 minute interval. Eventually, an explorative surgery was performed only to determine there were lots of problems after the fusion (residual disc material and packing material from the cage he put in rubbing and causing compression on my nerves along with thickening of my nerves). However, I STILL continued to have excruciating pain along with loss of sensation and strength that was progressive. Although my last MRI showed significant compression/stenosis Dr Jackson reported that after he spoke with the radiologist it was determined that there is in fact no significant compression. It was at this time that I was finally able to get second-opinions at 3 different large institutions. (This was a huge challenge as many surgeons will not see you once you’ve already had back procedures).

I was able to have my last MRI reread and it was quickly determined that there was in fact “severe/critical narrowing”. Others physicians at large institutions told me that they would never have completed a fusion as my spine did not show instability as I was told by Dr. Jackson. (Dr. Jackson told me there was a 6mm difference on an x-ray indicating a significant amount of instability however other doctors disagreed). They also added that there were major issues after Dr. Jackson performed the fusion which resulted in significant compression/pain.

I had a 4th procedure done by an orthopedic spine surgeon out of state at a large institution. It was a truly minimal invasive technique; unlike any procedure Dr. Jackson performed. What they found was an ongoing spinal fluid leak, a completely compressed nerve, a tear in the protective covering of a nerve along with boney areas adding to the compression. Many repairs were needed.

In addition to having three failed surgeries performed by Dr. Jackson, working with his office staff was nearly impossible. When I requested a second-opinion none of my information was received by the hospital. I completed all my own referrals for second-opinions. I had to call Dr. Jackson’s office MULTIPLE times to get results for MRIs, needed paperwork for work, insurance approval for tests and many other things. They wouldn’t even schedule an appointment when requested saying they needed to check with the doctor. Many phone calls were never returned and eventually they wouldn’t even answer my phone calls and pushed me to voicemail. One time, they slammed the phone down on me when requesting parts of my medical record.

I was also shocked to find out that EVERY single visit both in-person and virtual were recorded without my knowledge. When the PA or Dr. Jackson enter the room pretending to be typing on a laptop they are in fact recording you. I requested a copy of my virtual visits as I knew they were recorded but was shocked when every visit was on the USB. Staff were even watching in during an in-person visit. On one recording there are 2 staff members seen listening, laughing and holding up a sign saying “stop with the faces” to the PA while I’m speaking to Dr. Jackson. Also, after my last virtual visit they continued to record me and my husband in my home without my knowledge for an additional 5 minutes once the call ended-listening/recording private conversations.

I will NEVER recommend Dr. Jackson to anyone. I spent months in severe, excruciating pain. I was unable to care for my 3 young children, care for my home, drive, work or even tolerate sitting. I lost my job all while experiencing the financial strain of having 4 surgeries in just 9 months.

And if you visit Dr. Jackson’s home page and see lots of generic 5-star reviews, I urge you to google Dr. Avery Jackson & Detroit Free Press and read the article dated Dec.17, 2021 and form your own opinions.

Please do NOT have Dr. Jackson perform surgery or any other procedure on you or your loved ones.

Submitted Feb. 16, 2022


After Kyro? Back surgery..Discharged w/ no pain meds..I was home in bed for 3 days..was told to see my primary..!

Submitted Dec. 17, 2021


After cervical fusion and 8, yes 8 back procedures, I’m 100% worse than I was when I first entered this office!!! Pain is a 10, 24 hours a day, every day!!!

Submitted Dec. 17, 2021


doesnt believe in actual science which causes me concern

Submitted Dec. 17, 2021


I have never had a worse doctor in my life. He didn’t seem to know what he was talking about. I had to look up his credentials to see if they were real. I got a second opinion and found that his treatment plan was totally unnecessary. Glad I followed my gut and found a new doctor. Beware!

Submitted Dec. 16, 2021


Dr. Jackson is a worthless doctor that I wouldn’t trust to operate on an animal let alone a loved one. He did three surgeries in one year on my mother in her neck. First he told her she needed to have 5 of the 7 disks in her neck replaced and because she knew someone else he had helped she trusted him. He even prayed with her before each surgery! This first surgery did not relieve her neck, arm pain and he told her she needed a second surgery. So she decided to do the operation because she was still in so much pain. After this surgery she started to develop a large, hard bump on her back near her neck incision. It was extremely painful and it took five months to get an appointment to see HIM again. He went back into surgery with her and she found out that he had nicked her spinal cord causing spinal fluid to leak out and she also had an infection. He only sees his patients for an initial consultation, makes you see his PA’s for everything else and does surgery four of five days a week. He has been sued multiple times and still has his medical license! Please do not see him!!!

Submitted Nov. 27, 2020


I am shocked by how many negative reviews I'm seeing but then again, people tend to complain more than they complement. I am 12 hours out of a 3 vertebrae laminectomy, sitting at my computer, almost pain free, it's maybe a 2.

I thought the PA was crazy when she told me they would send me home on Tylenol. Even the pre and post op nurse questioned her. She was right! I really only need Tylenol but they did change and send me home with Ultram. Took one pill just to "stay ahead of the pain" but it wasn't needed. Dr. Jackson came highly recommended to me in 2007 when I had severe neck pain which resulted in a discectomy. Then in 2008 when I went back for my annual, he found a HUGE bone spur, looked like a viking horn, on the back of C3 so a corpectomy was scheduled. What the MRI didn't show was that the bone spur had grown through the dural sac. Therefore, my surgery went from 2 and a half hours to over 6. The NeuroICU nurses said that I was fortunate to have him for my surgeon because no one else would have been able to perform what was needed and that he was the best in the area.
To address the long waits, seeing a PA instead of the physician, and other complaints, you first must remember that you are seeing a Specialist. That means there aren't very many of them around so they are busier. Second thing to remember is that Dr's don't always know how long a patient is going to take in the room. Have YOU ever gone to the doctor for one thing and talked about 3, 4 or more different things? The PA is there to pre-process you and goes over ALL of your information very carefully with Dr. Jackson. He is the one who makes the decisions, the PA just asks the questions: how long, how bad, what relieves it, etc. then he can come in and get right to the meat of the matter. Do you remember the PA asking if you had any other questions? If you had she would have addressed them and then discussed them with him so that you wouldn't forget to ask him.

Greedy? No way! Sure there are some doc's out there that are greedy, some that push pain pills, and some that are totally unscrupulous. But I have always found his office staff helpful in pursuing insurance issues, proficient in processing my questions by both messages and phone calls, they have always been very friendly with me and if not, it may be because they are working on a problem for someone else at the time.

Bed side manner/quickly over office calls/arrogant never would I use ANY of those phrases to describe my experience with Dr. Jackson. He has always been very friendly, respectful, and kind while also being professional and to the point. And I am especially relieved that he is a Christian and asks his patients if he can pray with them before surgery. In fact, after my 2008 surgery, the biologic glue that he used to close the dural sac didn't hold ( I guess I must have moved too much) so my surgery site was leaking when I woke up. They called him in and he showed up in his suit ready to go to church. He said return to surgery and I said "how about you go to church and pray about it and then come back" He said, how about I go get the surgery room scheduled. He won! Of course!

Dr. Avery Jackson is a stellar human being, one worthy of only accolades in my book! But I know that not everyone has the same opinion of doctors. We're all looking for something different, that's what makes us special. Our uniqueness and our ability to accept others opinions.
Be blessed and continue on Dr Jackson.

Submitted June 13, 2018


Staff was not like I remembered. Really missing front desk girl Kristina. Dr Jackson is very nice but some of the staff is short with patients. Others act very fake.

Submitted April 12, 2018


Seen him after Dr Ho left he is arrogant acts like he his better than anyone else. Plus I Know a surgical nurse who said he listen to a boom box during surgery. Said it was a big distraction. Her job was to keep patients alive. Sad that he is very rude.Shame a hospital will do anything to keep a Nero dr.Wake up Genesys. Dr.Ho was a real dr.Shame they went to the bottom of the barrel and pulled him out.

Submitted Feb. 2, 2018

Dr. Avery M. Jackson's Credentials


  • Wayne State University School Of Medicine (Grad. 1994)

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

Other patients have successfully used these insurance providers, please call the Doctor's office to find out if your insurance plan is accepted.
Blue Cross / Blue Shield