Ratings for Dr. BJ Cookie


Entered DGH emergency. Diagnosed with hypoxia. Admitted immediately to hospital provided oxygen, and monitored. Dr. Cookie completed initial assessment. Assessment short and rushed. Dr. Cookie was to assess, monitor, order necessary testing for my ongoing condition. After his initial assessment, I never saw Dr. Cookie again during my stay even though my GP attempted to contact him on numerous occasions. After two weeks in hospital, I was released without having been evaluated by Dr. Cookie or any other cardiologist. Fortunately, I was award that my pulmonary specialist had a weekly clinic at the DGH, and had my GP arrange an appt. The pulmonary specialist ordered both extensive cardio and pulmonary testing. After discharge from the DGH, my GP received a report from the pulmonary specialist indicating the results of the echocardiogram ( valvular defects, and pulmonary hypertension), and the diagnosis of chronic hypoxemia.

Submitted July 12, 2007

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