Ratings for Dr. Gregory S. Masimore


Needs his license revoked. Worst doctor I've ever heard of or been to. Cusses patients out, rude, nasty, acts as if you are scum and he is God. Actually a convicted felon with multiple dui offenses, one including a hit and run in a motor vehicle while under the influence. Also has an assault conviction where he served 6 months in jail. What kind of doctor is this?? How is this man able to specialize in pain management?? He's a full blown addict with an alcohol problem. Nurses are very uneducated and are NOT even real nurses. Office is disgusting. His procedure room is a storage room... How is this legal? How is this guy still practicing??? Makes the medical field and medical board look horrible let for Indiana. Also he is no longer able to practice in Ohio due to his drug and alcohol addictions. They revoked his license. Think I'm lying?? Look it up its public records. 81 pages of public records to be exact!!!!!!! AWFUL ON EVERY WAY IT COULD BE

Submitted Nov. 24, 2015


Most pathetic, rude, nasty, abusive human being I have ever encountered. He will get you addicted to hard core substances so you can continue treatment with him to get off of the drugs. Nasty dirty office & uneducated staff

Submitted Sept. 12, 2015


Worst Dr I have ever encountered. He takes his own personal rage and anger out on Patients. The office is dirty and he only has medical assistants working there. He caters to drug addicts. Disgraceful place. Do not waste your time

Submitted Aug. 10, 2015


I rated the staff a one because of the doctor himself he is a rude insensitive a****** the nurses are great at the Franklin office however the doctor my initial exam called me a sissy he had asked me if I had ever been a victim of abuse he had his back turned to me so he could not see that I was sitting there with a black eye when I said yes he said still with his back turned to me what kind of abuse I replied physical sexual mental and domestic and I teared up his response still with his back to me was quit playing the victim you have to quit being the victim sometime I like to have died I waited 10 hours to be talked to like this he argued with me about a recent ER visit which was a misdiagnosis of overdose I was actually hypoglycemic and my discharge papers stated hypoglycemia I had all of the notes from that ER visit with me highlighting everything that completely ruled out overdose and everything pointed to hypoglycemia he argued with me about it treated me like a druggie though I offered to show him the folder of the ER notes three different times I had 5 MRI reports with me ranging from 3 years ago to current showing massive degeneration of my spine over the past 3 years especially the past year my former Dr only faxed him 4 out of 5 of the MRIs leaving out the last he kept telling me this wouldn't cause pain this wouldn't cause pain then I finally asked him if he saw the last MRI with the cysts in my spine he asked what I was talking about and in a very rude tone so I handed it to him his whole tune changed oh well this makes more sense as he read through the last MRI he finally gained some understanding as to why I am in pain but his attitude had not completely stopped there he gave me a physical exam he said did you know your right leg is shorter than your left and your right hip sits higher. then he pointed out that my spine curves slightly to the left at that point I remembered a chiropractor doing a weight-bearing x ray in 05 who notified me of that curvature and the fact that I have no curve in my neck after he was done being a pompous a** he did an opiate rotation because the medication that I was on prior to seeing him no longer work he told me that an opiate rotation doesn't work they all do the same thing but he would try anyway he put me on a medication I did not want to be put on and I expressed my concern but he put me on it anyway. after trying the medicine the first day I was in less pain than I had been in in five years I am thankful for the change in medicine but all in all he is a very rude and inconsiderate a****** I don't know how he gets away with talking to patients as he does and im not the only person he has called a sissy he called the patient after me a sissy as well it's unethical. my follow up visit he was just as rude hey does spend a lot of time with each patient he does offer alternatives to medicine such as suggesting yoga diet change excetera but he could definitely use an attitude adjustment

Submitted June 22, 2015


DON'T EVEN MAKE THE APPOINTMENT. NONE OF THE CVS's or WALGREENS in INDIANA WILL FILL HIS PRESCRIPTIONS!! I too have experienced the insane tantrums of this physician. I never failed a drug test, I missed appointments but because literally of deaths in my family yet was still ridiculed because I didn't keep my scheduled time when every SINGLE TIME I am in this office I might as well cancel everything for that day. I would NOT recommend this physician. Never have I ever been so disrespected as a woman or a human being for that matter. It is pathetic what this physician is permitted to do.

Submitted April 1, 2015


In the 15 years I've struggled with chronic pain due to a serious spinal injury I've never encountered a Dr like Dr. Masimore. I'm unclear as to why appointments are made because no matter what time they set for you you will be forced to sit in his waiting room for hours. In fact you could be forced to wait over 6 hours. Looking over every wall, door and window there signs telling you that if you don't like the wait....leave. If you express that your time is valuable also you will have curse words thrown at you as if you were in a bar. I've watched this time and time again. Then it happened to me. His mood is as rocky as a menapausal woman or a child throwing a tantrum. I tolerated his rants for years because I know,like so many others, that very few doctors want to take on chronic pain patients. While reading one of the other post I came across the woman who said it took her back to her life with a abusive ex husband. I second that. No one should have to experience their doctor screaming curse words at them. No one should have their private business yelled across a busy office filled with staff and other patients. In my eyes he's a cancer to the medical community. You may not agree with my thoughts. May not have experienced him in this way. Guess all I can do is warn you. This is not a respectable doctor.

Submitted Feb. 9, 2015


Staff depends on whos working some are great some not so much. Takes forever to get in most the time. He is very smart it seems and takes the time to listen very good at makeing you understand whats wrong with you ! And doesnt just want to throw pills down your throat he trys very hard to help you in anyway he can !

Submitted Dec. 28, 2013


Wonderful Doctor, Wonderful Staff!!! He really explained things to me. He helped me to understand where my pain is coming from and he didn't just throw pain pills at me to cover up my pain. He talked to me about doing injections, and I was not sure at first, but after seeing him for 6 months I finally decided to try them and man am I glad that I DID!!! WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! Awesome!! Best decision. They hurt the first day or so, but after that I'm still have relief!

Submitted April 25, 2013


Very rude staff, (crying- due to pain, and anxiety of last phone call with nurses who were rude, I couldn't bring back my mother who drove me and who helps me stay on top of my medicines,lives with my family and could talk to the doctor in better detail than I could about the side effects of recent meds he put me on) a nurse poppe her head in to tell me to "be quiet, stop crying" so the dr could see his other patients, My first appointment the Dr. ranted a good 10 minutes about how he was in the wrong business, how Medicaid patients were a waste of time (needing drugs) and didn't even hardly pay him. I had been on straight medicaid, but recently won my disability claim and told him I was Medicare primary and Medicaid secondary. He said that was even worse. I felt like I had to apologize for my insurance. He finally got around to why I was there, changed a few of my meds. THen, I missed my follow up appt. So, we drove 3 hrs to Jasper. THere he ridiculed me, his staff was very rude!

Submitted Dec. 14, 2012


Great caring Doctor,takes his time to listen to patient problems

Submitted Aug. 20, 2012

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Gregory S. Masimore's Credentials


  • Ohio State University College Of Medicine (Grad. 1988)

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

Other patients have successfully used these insurance providers, please call the Doctor's office to find out if your insurance plan is accepted.
Medicaid / Medi-Cal