Sweat it Out for a Healthy Heart

Sweat it Out for a Healthy Heart

Don’t sweat it if you’re a human waterfall after a good workout.  Apparently the vigorous exercise that causes your body to produce a lot of sweat is doing your heart a lot of favors, new research suggests.

People who participate in intense physical activity such as running and aerobics are actually prolonging their life, according to a study by the University of Sydney in Australia.

The study involved data from over 200,000 adults who were aged between 45 and 75 years old over a six year period. The researchers compared people who partook in moderate activity such as gentle swimming, or household chores with people who also included vigorous activity such as jogging and aerobics.

It was found that for those who did vigorous activity they had a 13 percent less chance of early death compared to those who only undertook moderate activity. It was also found that people who regularly performed vigorous exercises were half as likely to die prematurely as those who did not exercise at all.

The researchers believe that the results show that whether a person is obese or not or whether they have heart disease or diabetes that regular vigorous activity could contribute to life longevity.

Photo credit: SG SHOT/Shutterstock

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