Have you ever done it? Walked across a floor riddled with sadistic, tiny Lego bits? Was it because of a sheer ambivalence to horrible pain, naivetee, or a desire for self-torture? Or, maybe there was no carpet showing and you had to reach the hall? Yes- if you have, you know pain.
And Lego has now expressed that they know your domestic struggle.
They know your pain.
After 66 painful years, the famous toy company has now come out with Lego slippers.
LEGO, working together with French advertising agency Brand Station, has invented the slippers which feature tons of padding to protect against any biting rectangles.
According to a post on boredpanda.com, they are being produced in a limited run of 1,500 and will be distributed randomly to people who fill out Christmas wish-lists on LEGO’s French website.
The key to this is ‘randomly’- so if you try it and don’t get the slippers, don’t be disappointed, you can simply try again.
If you don’t speak or read French, don’t let this be a drawback-let us help you.
1) The ‘list creation’ is done simply by clicking on the red circle that reads ‘cree ta liste de noel’ (make your Christmas list).
2) Then click on the green arrow to ‘ajouter a la liste de noel’. (add to the x-mas list).
3) Click on the red circle again to ‘envoie ta list au pere noel’ (send your list to Santa), and you will be prompted to enter your name, age and email address (the three lines, including the one with the @ symbol).
Ok, so this is supposed to be for kids, but who said it ever hurt to get yourself an innocent little gift like slippers, a little early.
For more info, visit Facebook | brandstation.fr (h/t: hellogiggles)
Good luck et bonne chance!