Do These Shirts Really Help You Recover From Your Workout Faster?

Do These Shirts Really Help You Recover From Your Workout Faster?

A patterned fabric on the inside is supposed to help your muscles recover while you rest.

Resting up between workouts is essential to get the real recovery your muscles need. Sleep and relaxation, coupled with healthy food and water are usually considered your best sources of energy for the long day tomorrow.

Can the clothing you wear make a difference? Companies like Under Armour think so.

“Recovery fleece,” like the one in this link, is marketed as a fiber that can help you comfortably get back to the gym, that much faster. It is said to do so with a pattern inside the fabric that returns infrared energy to your body.

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This is said to be advantageous as it can boost your blood flow, thereby increasing the amount of oxygen reaching your worn out muscles, helping them to recover faster.

Does it work? According to, yes, sort of. Writer Amy Schlinger put a pair of UA recovery pyjamas to the test over three weeks. She reported eventually feeling somewhat less sore the day after a workout with heavy lifting. That being said, she pointed out that the PJs come with a hefty price tag of $200 for the top and bottoms together.

This post-workout wear could be just what is needed for someone involved in competitive sports, where an edge on the competition comes in tiny slices that most will grab wherever they can get. The results of wearing this gear was not like taking a trip to the spa, but neither was in completely ineffective.

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