5 Fantastic Homemade Fall Lattes

5 Fantastic Homemade Fall Lattes

From cinnamon, to butter beer, Mexican mocha and beyond, these drinks will delight.

Fall is here and even if the weather doesn’t agree with the calendar yet, it soon will. Festive lattes that reflect all the best of dropping temperatures, changing leaves, and crisp autumn air will be in our hands and on the tips of tongues. Yes, they can be hard to resist. You could splurge on a hot drink from one of the big brand names, but why not play barista in your own kitchen?

Check it out. Here are 5 of the best fall latte recipes to keep you warm and cozy.

Maple Cinnamon Latte

While maple may be a flavor more often associated with spring, it wears well in all seasons, and cinnamon is definitely a close cold-weather friend. This recipe is from a blogger who spurns pumpkin spice lattes (gasp!). Of course, this is a move we totally disagree with, but that’s not the point. If you’re looking for a wonderful substitute for your regular pumpkin spice warmth, or you’re hoping to try something new this season, mix it up. As the author states, this one is best served under a pile of cozy blankets.

Hot Butterbeer Latte

Nothing screams back-to-school like a Harry Potter-inspired hot drink. This latte is for those with a strong sweet tooth as it calls for caramel coffee syrup, butterscotch ice cream topping, and toffee bits, among other delights. Butterbeer is a syrupy drink from the mind of J.K Rowling and it’s as sticky as it sounds. It has three main ingredients: sugar, water, and butterscotch.

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Some wise souls have been keen to point out online that pumpkin spice lattes don’t really taste anything like pumpkin at all. But they do taste like a deliciously spiced pumpkin pie. And that’s the whole point, isn’t it? The idea is to spread the joy and flavor of Thanksgiving dinner out far beyond the very day. Savor the flavours well before and after the actual festival date!

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If you don’t like allspice, cinnamon, or anything vaguely “pumpkinesque”, it’s best to avoid this one at all costs. But if you ask for seconds once that pie plate makes the rounds, dive in. You won’t be disappointed!

Apple Cider Latte

Apple cider has to be one of the best byproducts of trees, apart from oxygen. This scrumptious drink combines espresso, apple cider, milk, and maple syrup, (the real stuff), in a delectable mug topped with fall spiced whipped cream that is sure to break your calorie count. Oh well! What’s life without a bit of love? You can always cut the cream and go “topless”.

Mexican Mocha

This last latte is sure to please those who like a little zing in, well, everything. It calls for the usual-nutmeg, cinnamon, and sugar- but adds a twist. Unsweetened cocoa powder and cayenne pepper are also on the list. We’re not promising any miracles but some say cayenne pepper is good at potentially boosting your immune system. We can’t promise to ward off the fall flu in full force, but it never hurt to add some power to your armor.

Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons for kicking back and enjoying nature’s display. Check out these easy tips  for staying active and healthy as the seasons change and drink up!

photo credits: Beboopai/Shutterstock.com

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