Dr. Marjorie Dixon, Md, Frcsc, Facog, Rei

Virtual Visits

146 reviews

Ratings for Dr. Janine Ashley Silver


I had an appointment with Dr Silver after seeing numerous different OBGYN'S since 2012. I have had many many months of abnormal cycles, very painful cycles and was costing a fortune in products, After an appointment with her we decided that a hysterectomy was best choice for me as I dont know my medical history as I was a crown ward.
Surgery day came and I went through it alone due to covid but she was amazing, her and everyone who was there was amazing. She called me for an update on a Friday evening to tell me all was good on my tests and ask how I was feeling.
Today I had my 6 week follow up and I have healed really well... I think anyone is lucky to have her as an OBGYN... amazing bedside manner and a great doctor..

Submitted Oct. 27, 2020


I had a abnormal Pap test and my family Dr referred me to her and had the appt for next 3 weeks which was kind of sad but understandable for these COVID days. she was very calm and gentle and also answered to my question one by one.
I would recommend her for sure.
I did not have OHIP and she had to fill a form for my insurance and usually dr office do it with a fee and after somedays but she did it right away without any fee or hesitation.

Submitted July 18, 2020


Always feel relieved when i leave Dr. Silver's office. She is thorough, kind, compassionate, humorous - I feel she's more like my friend than my gynecologist.

Submitted July 16, 2020


Dr Silver is a kind, compassionate, knowledgeable gynecologist. After an abnormal pap, she had me back in for a colposcopy in no time - the wait for an appointment was virtually non-existent.

When the colposcopy came back positive for high-grade cell change (pre-cancer) she answered all of my questions thoroughly and knowledgeably. I was scheduled for a LEEP procedure quickly.

Her surgical team of herself and 2 female nurses were awesome. They let me pick the music, held my hand (literally) and walked me through the process compassionately and with humor and care.

Another time, my health insurance would only cover a Lyreena IUD when really I should have a Myrena (have already had a baby) and when I showed up with the wrong one she just swapped it out with the right one completely free of charge! Those puppies are $500+ no insurance, so that's no small feat! Extremely kind and respectful.

Yes, some gyno procedures hurt. But I'd rather have Dr Silver performing them than anyone else.

Submitted June 14, 2020


knowledgeable, resourceful, helpful and compassionate.. has been my gynecologist for 7 years now and will continue to be

Submitted April 23, 2020


I had to wait six months to get an appointment with her only to find out things I already knew. So the trip seemed more like she going over the findings my physician already knew about. She prescribed birth control pills like this is the holy grail treatment to all women problems. When will the doctors start treating every women like they are all different individuals and one size does not fit all. She looked like someone who hates what she does. The body language the energy everything was depressing. I left feeling lost. I think I know what’s going on with my body and I know there are options out there to treat simple things like cervical cysts and yet I was told that my sysmptoms are perimenauposal and that they can last for months or years. So that means we do not need her because apparently all she had was a list of problems but no solution.
I told my physician how pathetic she is and that I am going for a second opinion.
Thank you dr silver for nothing

Submitted Feb. 17, 2020



I went to see her the following week for a follow up. she seemed annoyed that i got it removed. I told her it was ridiculous for me to put up with that level of pain and clearly my body did not tolerate it. I asked AGAIN for the surgery and she told me no, that i had to try progesterone therapy with meds. She told me based on my symptoms, that my endo was probably so bad i would need a bowel resection and a colostomy bag! she literally said “is that what you want? do you want to end up with a bag?” THIS IS SO UNPROFESSIONAL. FIRST OF ALL - it is IMPOSSIBLE to determine how bad someone’s endo is based on symptoms. Symptoms are NOT an indication of how severe the disease is. Someone with stage 1 can have much more pain then someone with stage 3. Someone with stage 4 may not even know and experience no pain, only to find out once they cannot get pregnant. So not only is this unprofessional, it is unethical to try and SCARE me out of proper treatment and care. Second of all, it is VERY rare that you will need a colostomy bag with bowel excision. This only happens in instances of very deep infiltrating bowel endo where it perforates through the bowel. If it is superficial, this should be easily removed by a GOOD DOCTOR/SURGEON. THIRD OF ALL, if my endo is so bad that I would need a resection, all the more reason to discuss surgery as it is very severe and needs to be removed. Let me decide if I want to risk it, it is becoming more and more clear to me that dr. silver has not a clue about this disease. I agreed to go on visanne (progesterone therapy) because i was desperate for relief of pain while i searched for a new doc. My report from dr. silver to my family doctor was that she believes I have STAGE 4 endo and that therefore, no surgery should happen as i will end up with bowel resection. This misinformation is so damaging. This is why so many women are misdiagnosed and treated for the WRONG ILLNESS FOR SO LONG.

My experience with dr. silver was a blessing in disguise because i learned more and more about endo as i searched for the correct doctor. I went and saw an ENDOMETREOSIS EXPERT (refer to endo network of canada list). These doctors are so sought after that their consult wait times are 1+ years long and surgery can also be 1+years long. Luckily i got in with an AMAZING doctor named dr.brill because he just moved locations. I got in very quickly and it was a miracle. Long story short, I just had my surgery on June 10th with him. Endo was found on my bladder. He also believes that i have developed central sensitization/chronic pain syndrome in my pelvic region from all of my trauma and pain. I am now on nuero meds to help my brain re interpret pain signals. I have stage 1 endometreosis. Keep in mind, Dr. silver said i had stage 4… almost the most severe there can be!! If this was true, a REAL endo expert would never say NOT to have surgery with stage 4 endometreosis! If there was a risk of bowel resection, surgery should be happening ASAP so that I don’t lose my entire colon in the future and only end up with a temporary bag! If i had listened to silver doctor , i would be spending my life convinced i had stage 4 endometreosis and be staying on harmful drugs that would NOT cure me. My disease could have spread and cause me to become infertile or worse. It is just really sad how a gynaecologist could be so ignorant to a disease that impacts so many women. I was able to find the proper info on endo in my short time of searching and diagnosis. Not sure why a medical professional who gets paid 10 X more than I do a year cannot even be bothered to educate herself and advocate for us women. Also, for anyone reading this with endo, please ensure to see an excision specialist who will CUT OUT YOUR ENDO. Ablation will not work and will only re grow. Excision will drastically reduce the possibility of recurrence and is the only method you want.

IN SUMMARY. HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Happy i had the brains to seek better treatment instead of wasting years of my life being tortured by ignorant “treatments” that are only being pushed by docs for the pharmaceutical agenda. More doctors need to learn about this disease and help women, not ignore them. If I stayed with silver, i have no doubt i would have ended up on lupron (a drug pushed on women with endo that is initially used to treat male prostate cancer!) and still believed i had stage 4 endometreosis to this day. I would have gotten even more sick from her “treatments.” Please educate yourself Dr. Silver and try to actually HELP the women suffering in pain. Or If not, please at least have the morals to refer us to the correct doctor who CAN HELP US. Don’t make us suffer for your lack of knowledge.

Submitted June 19, 2019



I cannot agree MORE with the review submitted May 25th. I have had aTERRIBLE experience with this doctor. Honestly, from what i’ve read, all she is good for is delivering babies. YOU WILL NOTget any useful information or treatment for any illness like PCOS or Endometreosis. The lack of knowledge someone like Dr. silver would have about endometreosis sickens me. She put me through hell and caused ONLY HARM.

To start off, I suspected I had endometreosis as I had been suffering with horrible bowel issues, pelvic pain, and rectal pain for almost 2 years straight. It got to the point that I had to go on disability from my finance job downtown Toronto. I first saw her in feb 2019 and explained my 1.5 years of brutal agony (physical and mental torment). I explained how I can barely eat n because of my IBS/SIBO (eating only the exact same 3 meals every single day for 1.5 years. I had cut out all dairy, gluten, sugar, red meat, alcohol, refined carbs, and everything but a handful of fruits and veggies) and still my bowels caused me debilitating symptoms and pain. I had travelled to NEW YORK CITY to get treatment for my SIBO because no one in canada had heard what sibo was. Now, I could no longer urinate without pain- caused me excruciating pain as though I was being ripped and torn. I couldn’t walk longer than 10-15 mins at a time or my pelvic would flare up so bad I would almost pass out. I had extreme rectal pan all month long and bled from my rectum during my periods. I also had terrible ovulation pain. My life had been reduced to nothing. I told her I was on the edge of a break down and NEEDED a diagnostic laparoscopy surgery to determine if i had endo or not. My gut is very sensitive so i cannot tolerate birth control meds at all (tried and failed multiple times) and did not want to try these useless treatments.I can’t even take advils without vomiting. She refused to do the surgery for me. I started crying in her office asking her why not. I was heart broken because i had waited 6 months to see her in hopes of getting scheduled for this surgery. She told me that surgery is the LAST resort for endometreosis (THIS COULD NOT BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH. ANYONE WHO TRULY HAS BATTLED ENDO KNOWS THIS CANADIAN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IS BACKWARD. SEEK A REAL ENDO SPECIALIST WHO KNOWS SURGERY IS THE ONLY REAL TREATMENT. MEDS DO NOT CURE ENDOMETREOSIS. PLEASE REFER TO NANCY'S NOOK ON FACEBOOK IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF MORE INFO AND DONT KNOW WHERE TO TURN).

She told me that i needed to try other Hormone therapy first to control the pain. Only once i had failed these treatments would she consider surgery. Anyone who knows anything about endo knows that hormone therapy does NOT treat endo, only masks the pain. Thanks to doctors like this who fail to educate themselves, women end up losing their ovaries, uterus, appendix etc. when the disease spreads and worsens. She told me to try the IUD and that this should help my pain. She said for the first 3-6 months i would have MORE pain than I experience now. but that after 3-6 months i should know if it starts working. Excuse me? Where are the ethics in this?! I am telling her I am in so much pain I can barely live, work, or function. I told her I am so depressed I could barely take it anymore. Yet her great idea is to give me something that would hurt MORE for 3-6 months. I asked again for the surgery. She told me even if she scheduled it, that it wouldn’t be for about 5 months. So i asked why not at least schedule it in the meantime instead of making me try this for 6 months, having it fail, then making me wait 5 more months for surgery (therefore losing another entire year of my life)! She refused. She offered to insert the IUD same day. I agreed because i felt hopeless. I wanted to play her game and eventually get my surgery. I felt that i couldn’t say no or i would have to wait another 6 months to see a new doctor. Just like the other review said, Dr. Silver barely gave me any info on the IUD and didn’t even prepare me for it. It was the one of the most painful things I've ever experienced !!(and now I have found out I have central sensitization in my uterus from my new gyno and he believes my uterus couldn’t tolerate it). She gave me no instruction on what to expect and just left! told me to book a follow up appt. For one week straight I was in so much pain i could barely even move. I could barely even stand to shower. I was having actual labour contractions that went all the way down to my toes. I called the office to see if i could come see dr. silver and her receptionist was so rude. She kept telling me that dr silver wouldn't be in for days. I eventually went to the ER because stand the pain was unbearable. They gave me morphine for the pain and took it out.


Submitted June 19, 2019


Okay. Sorry if this is long but my experience with Dr. Silver was so awful I hope I can save other people from going to her. I was referred to Dr. Silver for intermittent pelvic pain. When I saw her she looked at my ultrasound and simply said I have PCOS and the treatment is birth control and basically shrugged it off and was like “everybody gets this”. I got home and realized that she had rushed me out of the appointment so fast that I didn’t even know what PCOS was. Naturally, I turned to google only to find out that it isn’t something that should just be shrugged off as there are risks associated with it (increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc.). I had already made an appointment to get and IUD inserted by her that was couple weeks later. I reassured myself that this was her job and her rushing me out of the office doesn’t mean she is a bad doctor.

I went in for the IUD insertion. It was booked so quickly that I didn’t really have time to read up on it or look into it - I figured that because I was totally fine with Pap smears this would be no big deal (first mistake). She comes in the room and kind of makes light conversation with me (obviously trying to distract me). I experience the worst pain I’ve ever felt - my vision went black, I was sweating, I felt sick. But I thought - at least it is over, so I said out loud “that’s it right?? We’re done??” And she replies “almost you’re just going to experience that one more time”. I tell her that I need a second for this pain to go down as I honestly still felt dizzy but I at least I could feel the pain decreasing. This is the part that made me IRATE - she then says “no no I’ve done this multiple times before you can’t have breaks in between, you’re just not going to want to do it again” AND THEN SHOVES THE THING IN ME WITHOUT WARNING. I screamed. I thought I was going to vomit. I couldn’t see straight. She gets up and says “you can book your follow up appointment for 6 weeks and then leaves. I was so dizzy and disoriented I barely comprehended. I got up and had to take my shirts off because I was so hot. I gave the staff 4 stars because the nurse knocked on the door to see how I was and saw that I was white as a ghost and ran to get me water and an ice pack.

I realized after that Dr. Silver just came into the room and got right to work - she did not discuss with me the procedure, what to expect, warning signs that I need to follow up with, or even appropriate after care!!!! I had to google to see that I shouldn’t use tampons right away or have sex. She is so unprofessional it is actually astounding.

At this point I did not trust her judgement. I did not book a follow up with her and actually asked my doctor to refer me to a different gynaecologist that my friend recommended. When I got the appointment date with the new gynaecologist and saw that it was 3 months after my insertion date I realized I would need to go in and see Dr. Silver one last time so she could check the IUD.

I went into my last appoint kind of being like - how could she possible screw up a follow-up appointment? Well for starters she walked into the room and was like how’s the Mirena? (Mirena is not the iud I got put in - she obviously didn’t even look at my chart before hand). I mentioned my concerns with bleeding and weight gain and acne and she was basically like “well that’s what happens, but if it’s still bothering you after 6 months we can take it out” (I will give her some credit that she gave me the option of taking it out). She felt the strings and was like “okay you’re good to go! I only need to see you if you have any concerns”.

AGAIN, wasn’t until after that I realized she never even asked about my PCOS associated pain - aka the reason I got the IUD put in. Which, by the way, if she had asked she would’ve realized the pain was unchanged.

Just a quick wrap up - I went to see the other gynaecologist who was absolutely amazing - he told me that an IUD would never get rid of PCOS associated pain as the dose is not high enough to have an effect. Basically I went though all of that for nothing. This gynaecologist agreed that my recent acne was likely due to the IUD, and we decided to take it out as I was generally unhappy on it. When he took it out he said it was more difficult than usual and there was actually some of my uterine wall on the IUD. Basically the IUD was starting to embed and if I had left it for 3 years I probably would’ve needed surgery. I’m not saying that is her fault, I don’t know how these things happen, but based off how she rushed to put it in I wouldn’t be surprised. The new gynaecologist also did bloodwork and said if I do have PCOS that it would be a very very mild form because the only indication is the cysts on my ovaries, and even then he wasn’t sold that it was PCOS. Dr. Silver didn’t even attempt to do bloodwork and quickly jumped to a diagnosis because it “kind of” fit.

Submitted May 25, 2019


When I arrived to the clinic her front desk staff was rude. She informed me that my appointment was 15 minutes ago when I know for a fact I was on time because my boss was in the room when I confirmed if I could be excused to attend my appointment over the phone. So he heard it too. The point is I was on time. I just returned from a final exam in another city and had my entire bag stolen. I had photos of my IDs but not the ID itself. She informed me my health card on file was expired and I asked if she could get the confirmation it wasn’t from my family physician or call OHIP who can confirm it. She said no which I know is not true because I used to work at a doctors office for 3.5 years.

The front desk staff (this young lady) was so rude to the extent that even her colleagues looked at her surprised by the way she treated me. She said dr silver would be nice enough to see you even though I’m allegedly 15 minutes late and I would need to pay 100+ in cash for the appointment. I once again explained that I was not lying when I said my bag was stolen, because how could I pay her to see her? She said too bad I will have to rebook even though I waited 6 months to see her due to a hemmoraging issue from August. To an extent I recognize I’m partially to blame but these things happen and it’s not appropriate to treat a patient as though they are being dishonest with you.

It seems to be the trend that her office has a bias against any patient who had an abortion. Mine was due to being on medication at the time and I have every intention to have a child within the next two years. I was really hoping she could have been my doctor for that since I heard such great things (which is why I gave her 4 stars). Don’t judge your patients and turn them away after months of suffering. I hope others manage to get through the front door and have a more positive experience at her clinic.

Submitted May 3, 2019

Dr. Janine Ashley Silver's Credentials

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