Deborah J. McMenemy, L.Ac., DAOM

Facility Affiliations

Deborah J. McMenemy, L.Ac., DAOM's Credentials

Accepting New Patients

Yes, this doctor is accepting new patients


Dr. Kepi McMenemy is a licensed acupuncturist in Hawaii and California, and is a nationally certified Diplomate in Acupuncture. She holds a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, California as well as a 4-year Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine degree. Kepi’s undergraduate degree is in Psychology from Cabrillo College in Aptos, California. Kepi is also a certified practitioner by Dr. Richard Tan in his Global Balance and Pain Management techniques. Kepi chose acupuncture as her second career after running a successful construction company with her husband Michael, and raising two great children after acupuncture significantly helped her overcome the debilitating side effects of fibroid tumors. She has four grandchildren that she loves madly. Her passion for community acupuncture was born and nurtured through her numerous visits to China along the course of her studies, and her belief that acupuncture can change the world *if* it's accessible.


  • English


  • Cabrillo College (Grad. 2005)

Areas of Expertise

  • Sciatica

Insurance accepted by this Doctor

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