Ratings for Dr. A M Kerr


Dr Kerr cut his Medical degree out from a cereal box I think. He retired recently and came back to practice soon after(so I hear from other patients he has upset). He needs to retire again and stay at home this time! I met him recently for the first time in consultation regarding my medication and he was rude, arrogant, judgemental and clueless as to what each of my medications actually were for. (Well out of current practice and knowledge if you ask me) he then had the cheek to tell me his unwanted personal opinion of me as a parent with epilepsy and my ability to look after my kids because I have epilepsy(completely seizure free for years by the way and I have no other medical history or underlying issues or disabilities) So After me educating the DOCTOR About what my medication was for he suddenly became an expert in epilepsy And outright questioned if I should have became a mother at all to my 7 year old. I was blown away!..that he can come out with that given that He has literally just met me for the first time and 5 mins ago this guy didn't even know what my medication is for! Best of it is I am a registered nurse myself with a background in emergency medicine(although I didnt tell Mr kerr this information) However i am completely healthy, seizure free and capable of looking after my family. I have dealt with all types of doctors every day for the last 6 years but Mr Kerr can take the trophy for theee absolute worst! Infact By the sounds of it ALOT of patients tend to avoid consultation with him so hopefully he will retire again for good, soon

Submitted Nov. 11, 2017


I was doubled up in two with severe back pain-hobbled into his office and he said whats up with you today-I have a family to support and need a line as I am off work\_I dont give lines for back pain he said havent you seen the tv adverts dont take back pain lying down\_I hobbled out made an appointment with another doctor and got a line.I would never ever ask to see him-nobody really does.You can get an appointment to see him immediatly mostly. Dr Liam Brown is a fine Doctor, Dr.Porter too.

Submitted Nov. 21, 2013


this doctor is a bad doctor he treats his patients poorly, a year ago i came out of a hospital and got told to make a appointment for medication and because my records weren't all he basically called me a lier and there is no one i know that wants a appointment with him they can be dieing and they wouldn't want to see him still.

Submitted March 19, 2013

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