Ratings for Dr. Marty P. Ross


He diagnosed me with Lyme disease and bartonella. I was treated for a year which only made me worse. I didn’t really have Lyme unfortunately it was an autoimmune disease that just got worse with his treatments. I feel like he will diagnose anyone. Scary.

Submitted May 25, 2023


The knowledge and dedication this doc brings to the Lyme community worldwide is unparalleled. Thank you, Dr. Ross, for providing information and support, free of charge, in many cases. Look at his YouTube videos folks. This guy cares. Sufferers who continue to get marginalized by the medical community’s prevailing wisdom of “there’s no such thing as chronic Lyme” almost always have to take healing into their own hands. Part of getting Lyme -educated for my family was reading everything Dr. Ross had on-line and then taking that info to my own LLMD. Just like Jemsek and every other Lyme hero out there, invariably these LLMDs eventually get harassed by one government agency or another. And yet they keep on keeping on, in service to Lyme sufferers. Their rewards will be in heaven. And to all the complainers, you feel bad and you are sick. You have a chronic debilitating disease. Got it. There is no magic bullet, yet. But to suggest that these Lyme doctors are not *trying* to help you strains credulity.
Be grateful not bitter. It serves no one, least of all you.

Submitted July 3, 2022


I am so relieved that he was able to re open his practice. In a culture of horrible medical neglect of people with chronic Lyme, he continues to work diligently to bring quality health care and expertise to the community most impacted by this devastating disease.

Submitted Jan. 17, 2020


Dr. Marty Ross is one of the most knowledgeable and well versed Lyme Literate Doctors out there. He is the ONLY Lyme doctor that was able to start to bring my pain down through bone and tissue of head, brain, eyes, mouth, through my central nervous system pathways, because I couldn't get help anywhere else between the US and Canada. I was a tough case, down to 78 pounds, lost the ability to talk, read, walk, at one point, I was dying and in excruciating pain 24/7. Many of us progressing on his Lyme treatment are devastated he was audited but he did NOT lose his license. He passed the audit so the negative comments below are not warranted.

Dr. Marty Ross is still licensed to practice in WA, but is residing in TX where he is not yet licensed to practice. Dr. Marty Ross has a high remission rate in Lyme patients. He has helped countless people recover and practices responsibly.

There are many naive people who don't understand Lyme and Coinfections and that can make the naive, decide his diagnosis is wrong. Even when it's not. They don't just don't want to accept they have Lyme and coinfections, they don't understand science, and the end up back in the mainstream merry go round of symptom treating drugs while staying sick for life with no real answers. Many other can't stand the pathogen dieoff which one needs to handle as it's a natural part of Lyme Treatment. There is not way around it, many of us are going to feel it. Those that can't handle it blame the practitioner or claim the antibiotic dieoff is an antibiotic side effect. Which is inaccurate again.

Point being, with some patients, "blame the Lyme practitioner" can be as common as "blame the patient" is with some medical doctors, the former "blame the Lyme practitioner" I'm reading below. Shame on those making the negative comments below.

Marty Ross is one of the best. I and thousands between the US and Canada, and abroad off continent, hope he returns to practice as there are not a lot of Lyme literate medical doctors out there.

Seriously, how to you thank Dr. Marty Ross for saving so many lives. Thanks is not enough when one considers that whole picture.

Submitted July 11, 2019


I know Mr. Ross is in Texas now and I've read 'His Story' on why. If you are really interested in him and his treatments, I suggest you look deeper and don't accept his version of events. I have not seen the man in many years but I am still so angry about his treatment of my sister that I decided to post on the off chance someone might see this and be warned to take care. As others have said, he gave incredibly high and dangerous doses of antibiotics in attempts to mimic the results of IV antibiotics. For example, if you had bronchitis, you might be told to take 500 mgs of this particular drug once, possibly twice a day. He had my sister taking nine (9) 500 mgs a day. Instead of taking 500 to 1,000 mgs a day, she was taking 4500 mgs of this particular antibiotic. Fortunately another Dr told her how dangerous it was and to stop taking them asap. Then he prescribed another antibiotic called Ciprofloxacin, which can gravely danger some people who take it and has been black boxed twice in the US. Drs are told to prescribe it only if no other antibiotic will work. It is to be used as a last ditch effort if nothing else is available. She was on it for 3 months and thought she was herxing. It wasn't until she had a phone conversation with him that he said That's not herxing; It's the Cipro doing that to you.. She lost all mobility in one arm and roughly 10 yrs later can still only raise that arm slightly. She is in chronic pain and for all intents and purposes, is bedridden. Here's the kicker: that phone call that she had with him where she described what was going on with her and he told her it wasn't the Lyme causing it but rather the Cipro, he suddenly said he couldn't speak with her anymore even though she had a 30 min phone conversation booked with him and 7 mins had passed. She said Dr. Ross, what should I do, what should I take...he said Take Magnesium and hung up. Then his receptionist called back to get a credit card to pay the 30 min session which was really 7 mins. I explained to her what had happened and that I needed to speak with Dr. Ross asap to find out how to treat my sister; she was in awful pain. He used to have a messaging service that all his patients could write to him on . I called the office several times, left msgs for him, and I also sent him msgs on this client msging service. I emailed to no avail. If I called the office, they would either hang up or say he wasn't available. I told him in my msgs that we meant no harm, we weren't going to sue, we just wanted to know how we should treat the damage to her from this antibiotic. I can guarantee this wasn't a case of us being problematic patients, or that we had threatened to sue...how could we when we never even spoke to him. The fact is, he was to blame in not warning her that she could have these serious side effects from the medication and to stop taking it if these effects happened but honestly, we weren't thinking about where to assign blame; we just wanted help for my sister. I'm sure he was worried that he would be sued so rather than do the decent thing and try to make things right, he fled. I msgd him, I phoned him, I emailed him desperate for help and I never heard from him again. Rumor had it that he was in hot water with his treatment of some of his patients and the ILADS took him off their list of recommended doctors. I don't know what he is doing now, selling supplements and books and doing podcasts it would seem. All I can say is If you see him for treatment or listen to his podcasts, don't do anything without checking first with a reputable doctor. If anyone knows the real circumstances of his sudden departure to Texas or, I hope they will share it. I don't believe he is an honorable man and the truth will come to light eventually.

Submitted April 17, 2019


Dr Ross lost his licenses to practice in WA & CA for true malpractice. NOT due to a witch hunt of lyme literate doctors. How can he even be listed and ranked here without legaly being able to see patients?

Submitted March 16, 2019


This man will diagnose you with Lyme disease no matter what, because that is how his business survives. It is incredibly dangerous and I have to wonder how he sleeps at night.

Submitted March 14, 2019


The most knowledgeable Doctor on lyme disease. I've been seeing him for 2 years with great success.

Submitted June 27, 2018


Dr. Marty Ross has completely turned my sister’s life around after going to him with ongoing Lyme that was out of control and jeopardizing her survival. He has made such a diffence and helped her recover over the last year to where she is back working again full time. It is worth her time traveling from Northern California to get the care she has needed. Thank you for helping so many that can’t get the help they need elsewhere.

Submitted May 20, 2018


This man has ruined more people's lives than he could ever get to put up "nice reviews" for him. I'm an advocate and will not recommend someone who left ILADS in a snit because they wouldn't put him on the board. I will not recommend someone who has tried to replicate IV doses in oral medications, and then fired the patient when he put them in the hospital. I will not recommend someone who insists patients bring him gifts, items I know he throws into the back office and never looks at again because I saw them pile up with my own eyes. I will not recommend someone who thinks Shamanic Journeying is "really no more than a guided meditation" - his exact words to me rather than, "I travel into the Spirit Realm and retrieve the lost and broken parts of the soul" that he tells current patients. I will not recommend someone who fires the patients he gets into trouble with and cannot cure. I cannot recommend a doctor whose floors are so dirty that service dogs and service dogs in training have come up with acupuncture needles in their coats and enough dust to kick up a patients allergy. He was a great doctor a long time ago before he lost his way. It's very sad to see him lose his humility and the passion for helping Lyme and HIV/AIDS (etc) patients. I personally wish him well, but would never recommend another chronically ill patient go see him. It is, at the least, a waste of money and, at the most, dangerous.

Submitted April 20, 2018

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