Mai Hua

4.4 ( 42 reviews )





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  • Monday Closed
  • Tuesday 09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
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  • Friday 09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
  • Saturday 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
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    Ratings for Mai Hua


    Not recommended at all , don't listen , just trying to sell her products

    Submitted Aug. 19, 2018


    I have consulted with Mai several times over a number of years, in naturopathy and nutrition. She has given me excellent guidance and I trust her implicitly. Along with having decades of practical experience in her field, I find her intuition is also always spot-on. She is a sensitive and caring woman, very tuned-in, and her personal practice is deep and fully embodied. I am deeply thankful to Mai for the assistance and support she has provided for me, and continues to offer to me.

    Submitted July 30, 2018


    J'ai contacté au hasard Mai Hua ça fait 1 an parce que je voulais un suivi d'un spécialiste de santé naturelle. J'avais mal aux articulations dans tout le corps, je me sentais très fatiguée d'une manière générale, j'ai toujours plein de choses à faire et incapable d'avoir de l'énergie pour le faire.
    Je connaissais déjà l'homéopathie et je suis une adepte de la santé naturelle d'une manière générale, car je me traitais avec ce type de thérapie lorsque j'étais petite, dans mon pays d'origine. Je cherchais donc quelqu'un qui pouvait guérir mes douleurs, mais aussi un thérapeute qui me connaisse, qui me suive pour me maintenir en santé, en vitalité pleine, en équilibre.
    En 2 mois, les douleurs aux articulation ont disparus et depuis je suis assidue à nos rendez-vous car je suit un traitement plus long pour me remettre sur pieds totalement. Et ça marche.
    Ce que j'aime particulièrement chez Mai Hua, c'est sa sincérité, sa méthode et ses objectifs clairs, repris à chaque consultation. Elle cherche des solutions pour un equilibre general du corps. C'est sûr que quelques fois elle dit des choses que l'on ne veux pas entendre... mais pour changer (et souvent il faut revoir des habitudes, des choix), il faut bien être d'abord ouvert à ça.
    Mai Hua, aujourd'hui, est ma thérapeute. Je lui fait tout à fait confiance. Je vois les résultats et je suis vraiment satisfaite.

    Submitted July 4, 2018


    Je viens de lire le dernier commentaire sur ma thérapeute Madame Mai HUA. Je trouve ces propos déplacés .
    Voilà bientôt 20 ans que je consulte Mme Hua. Je souffre depuis ma naissance d’une maladie congénitale (dégénérescence des fonctions du pancréas).
    Il est certain que cette maladie auto-immune ne se soigne pas mais cette personne a transformé le confort de ma vie au quotidien.
    Je n’aime pas parler « en public » de mes traitements ou de mes médecins car cela relève d’un aspect très personnel néanmoins je trouve très injuste de parler de Mme Hua de
    cette façon.
    J’habite en Europe où les MÉDECINS et NATUROPATHES sont légions. Pensez vous que j’investirai de mon temps et de mon argent juste pour le plaisir??!
    Soyons honnêtes et rendons à qui le mérite le respect dû!
    Merci Mai Hua et aussi longtemps que je le pourrais je reviendrai toujours vers vous.
    Ps. Je suis actuellement à Montréal en traitement chez Mai Hua.

    Submitted June 1, 2018


    Manque de transparence sur la validité de ses méthodes de traitement. Méfiance, car Mme Hua qui désire seulement dominer la conversation est incapable d'étayer ses promesses par de véritables explications concrètes et rationnelles. Raisons pour lesquelles j'ai choisi d'annuler mon rendez-vous.

    Submitted May 26, 2018


    I was diagnosed with an Auto immune disease in 2016, my doctor advised me that I would only be on medication for about a year. After a year was done, he then told me I had to keep taking the meds for another year. That is when I decided to see Dr Mai. After only ONE MONTH of seeing her, my doctor then advised me that he I can stop taking my medication for my autoimmune disease. I was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that after only one month, she was able to make me better than I was for an entire year! What I love about Dr Mai is that she actually LISTENS to what your issue is and digs deeper on figuring out the root of the problem and fixing it right away. Compared to doctors who don't listen and simply give you whatever medication and hope for the best. She not only helped with my major issue but she was also able to help me with my concentration problem. I have always told people that I was A.D.D(self diagnosed) and she was able to notice that right away and in no time, I was able to pay attention. She is very direct and extremely knowledgeable and explains everything to you so you understand clearly what your body is going through and what she is doing to help. I really appreciate EVERYTHING she has done for me, especially since I am too young to have this disease and she saved me from getting worse! Thank you for making my life better!

    Submitted March 9, 2018


    After I week of taking Dr Hua’ s treatment, supplements and dietary recommendations, my night sweets, hot flashes, and skin flare- ups have all stopped. I have been suffering from pre-menopause for many years, taking proscription hormones and I still couldn’t sleep through the night, let alone fall asleep. After taking Dr Hua’s supplements & recommendations, I have been sleeping like a baby, my moods and energy levels have also bounced back. I feel like I have a new leaf on life. Thank you very much Dr Hua.

    Submitted Feb. 17, 2018


    Since May 2015 I have managed to improve my health thanks to the advice and opinion of Dr. Mai Hua. Arrived with an emotional blockage problem with severe physical symptoms, following true nutritional recommendation, I am reaching my health goals. Lost the weight to the point of now targeting my health weight. With a small respiratory condition, I even spent my first winters without needing my inhalers. I am very satisfied with his care and serrvices because for me this makes a huge difference. We are in 2017 and I now have hopes of a future in excellent health.

    Submitted April 13, 2017


    Three years ago, at the beginning of 2014, I started developing a weird itch on my belly, around the liver area. It quickly turn to what looked like wet, inflamed and oozing patches of eczema. And within a few weeks, the patches had spread to my entire middle sectio (front and back), and over time, to my arms, neck, thighs. By the end of 2014, my whole body was covered with blister and wet patches of oozing skin. For almost two years, I could barely function. My skin hurt, burned and itched constantly. It would stick to my clothes and showers were pure torture. I had periods of times where I would have to ask friends to help me drop off and pick up my son at daycare because I could not walk - the skin behind my knees and feet would become so raw and infected that I would not be able to bend my knees and feet properly. Everything I ate seemed to make things worse. Work had become a nightmare and several times I almost quit. Had I not had a flexible job that allowed me to work from home, I would have definitely quit my job, because ei couldn't function.
    I saw all types of doctors, dermatologistsn naturopaths, homeopaths during the first 2.5 years. Some helped a bit but none cured me. I was desperate.
    Then 4 months ago, in September 2016, in an last urge of despair, I decided to try finding help one last time. I decodes that I would go consult the first naturopath that would pick up the phone. I called a few but nones picked up. Until I called Mai. She was so calm and gave me so much information over the phone that I felt better and decided to see her. It was the best decision ever. After the first day of taking on of her homeopathic remedies, my feet's swelling subsided and I could walk better. After the first colonic irrigation, the raw patches on my belly started healing.
    I had to adjust my diet and take other supplements, all of which made me feel much better. Over the weeks, I got better and better and was finally able to get my body and quality of life back! Although I still have ways to go to completely cure the mess inside my gut, I feel in better health than I've ever been in my 34 years of life. My skin is 99% clear!

    I'm so grateful to have stumbled upon Dr. Hua. She is extremely knowledgeable, has great instinct / intuition and is just a great person to rely on. I am happy I am able to take care of my new baby with the depression, extreme fatigue, thyroid issues, skin issues that I had after my first. Life is great now, thank you Dr. Hua!

    Submitted Feb. 1, 2017


    I've had eczema my entire life but had a few really bad flare ups on my hands in the fall. The flare ups were so bad that I missed 3 weeks of work all together and wasn't able to use my hands because they were so swollen and in pain. I had been to the clinic twice, been to the emergency at the hospital and seen 2 dermatologist. All of them just prescribed me creams that didn't work. My cousin suggested that I see a naturopath. I found Dr. Hua on this site. She is such a wonderful and caring doctor. She actually took the time to do thorough analysis to see what could be causing my eczema. I've been seeing Dr. Hua every month since October and my eczema is almost gone! I highly highly recommend seeing her!!!

    Submitted Jan. 19, 2017

    Mai Hua's Credentials

    Accepting New Patients

    Yes, this doctor is accepting new patients


    Diplôme de Naturopathie et d'Homéopathe Certifiée délivré par Institut International de Recherches en Homéopathie et Biothérapie (1996) ; Certificats de Biochimie, d'Anatomie et de Pathologies, de Pharmacologie et de Microbiologie délivrés par l'Ecole Supérieure de Naturopathie du Québec (2012)


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    Other Specialties

    Areas of Expertise

    • Acne
    • Eczema
    • Asthma
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Nutrition
    • Food Allergy
    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    • Mold allergy