Ratings for Dr. Joseph B. Glasner



If you’ve never read the book Nasty People by Jay Carter, I urge you to do so. The entire book is dedicated to a personality type called the controlling invalidator. Dr. Glasner is a textbook example.

Invalidators are people that look for ways to devalue, belittle, discredit, and malign those around them usually to their advantage. They use criticisms, cut downs, insults, and subtle forms of slander to undermine their character. Likewise, they never seem to be ‘for’ or ‘with’ anybody, but always working against them (emotionally detached and dehumanizing), even taking delight in their shortcomings, weaknesses, or unforeseen downfall. This makes them feel superior and also enables them to control the actions of others. It is an insatiable fear-driven aberration that is considered one of the most psychologically destructive forces in society.

Below is a modified version of a petition I sent to the VA Clinic in Viera, Fla., of my experiences with this doctor.

To: Patient Advocate

I am writing to request a change of primary doctors. The reason has to do with the overall menacing disposition of this doctor. From my first primary care visit, Dr. Glasner seemed to place himself in an adversarial relationship with me for no apparent reason. He had a kind of arrogant ghoulish grin that served to invalidate, or call into question, nearly everything I would say to him (like a punk kid). When I described my symptoms, reactions, or experiences to him, he would start grinning as if to suggest that I was either lying or exaggerating. This continued to play itself out with his attempts at putting words in my mouth and manufacturing symptoms out of thin air that I had never complained about, even lying.

For example, I went to Dr. Glasner with an ongoing thyroid problem that I’ve had for years, along with an allergic reaction to Levothyroxine. For whatever reason, and having never complained of a hiatal hernia, or any symptoms related to it, he scheduled me for an upper GI examination. The people in X-ray were bewildered by this and had no idea why I was there. They even asked if I wanted to skip the test. I nevertheless acquiesced and took the test anyway. Afterward, having come back negative, Dr. Glasner then prescribed medication for heartburn and acid reflux that I had never complained about. I had to tell him twice that I wasn’t even taking Rolaids and that I had no use of this medication. The whole thing was invented.

In the meantime, after telling him of my allergic reactions to the medication Levothyroxine, dating back thirteen years, he then put me back on it in a variety of different ways to no avail. After every avenue had been exhausted, and after being repeatedly invalidated for various things throughout the entire process, to include ever having a thyroid problem dating back that far (despite doctors, blood tests and symptoms that clearly confirmed it), he then told me to schedule a consult with endocrinology. After waiting four weeks for them to call, I found out they cancelled the consult because of what Dr. Glasner had included in his report.

According to what I was told, he had used words like anxiety and psychosomatic. The key word here is anxiety. The problem once again is that I never once experienced anxiety, or mentioned anxiety, even despite Dr. Glasner’s attempt to put that word in my mouth during one of my primary visits. He manufactured this symptom out of whole cloth. He also said that I had “insisted” on a different medication, one that endocrinology did not have, when all I did was enquire about it (this was a flat out lie). Long story short, because of this freakish doctor, I was never able to secure a consult with endocrinology because of His false report.

In the past, I have seen doctors like this find refuge in places such as VA. They go on for years satiating their aberrant control issues to the injury of everyone in their wake. My hope is that this will do some good for all veterans that receive their care through the Viera, VA Clinic.

Submitted Feb. 6, 2021


Kind, Caring, Intelligent, Hardworking, Well Respected

Submitted Aug. 16, 2015

Facility Affiliations

Dr. Joseph B. Glasner's Credentials


  • Coll Med, Univ Jagiellonski, Krakow, Poland (Grad. 1983)