Ratings for Dr. R. Veluri


Dr Veluri is a very knlowlegable person. It doesn't take him much time to understand a situation. He gives great advice. He wants to help people succeed in life and be happy.

Submitted Nov. 12, 2019


The very first time I entered his office he prescribed me 2 medication that had previously not worked for me, when I told him that they hadn't worked his words were "Don't worry, just take it." Very unprofessional, non-empathetic, and untrusting. He refused medications that worked for me and at one point threatened to blood test me believing I was not taking my medications. Just an unknowing 'doctor' who pushes pills and presumes he understands your condition better than you do. For anyone looking for genuine help, seek out a better psychiatrist.

Submitted Feb. 22, 2019


I've been seeing Dr. Veluri for a little over 3 months for depression and suicidal thoughts. I'm under 25 years old. My first appointment with him wasn't very good, I balled my eyes out afterwards. But the nurses at the facility I was in told me that he's one of the really good psychiatrists and to maybe give him another chance. So I did. As we built a doctor-patient relationship with time, things got much much better. I got to know his personality, which is actually a very good one. He might lack a few qualities as a doctor, such as visible empathy (he may not show it to every patient), certain bed-side manners, etc. However, he is a very good doctor in arguably the most important areas: he is extremely knowledgeable, knows what he's doing and answers all questions thouroughly when I ask them. I shared how I felt about my medications and he is very open to adjusting them based on how I am doing (emotionally, etc.). Dr. Veluri may lack some bed-side manners, but I know I'm in good hands when it comes to getting better. I went from being a "high risk suicidal patient" to someone who doesn't want to die and sees the joys in life, in just 3 months. Being a psychiatrist is not easy in any way. Not only does each day consist of 6 to 8 hours or more of appointments, but the job largely involves listening to people express their problems and frustrations. Psychiatrists have to have an extremely high level of serenity and an ability to separate their jobs from their personal lives. When they're under extreme pressure from difficult or demanding patients and other job burdens, psychiatrists can themselves become victims of illness, anxiety and even depression. So this "lack of empathy" is probably a manifestation of this. And he has been doing this job for a very long time. That being said, he may have been very empathetic at the beginning of his career, but after years and years of this job, it can be difficult to show empathy for every single patient he sees. Moreover, he has not pushed all sorts of treatments on me, just some medications and cognitive behavioral therapy (within a group setting and one-on-one). One of the things I really like about Dr. Veluri (but didn't like at first) is that he says things as they are. Which for some people is too much... and I understand that... which is why I cried after our first meeting. He told me things straight up during my treatment, logical things, that my family and friends were too afraid to tell me. It may have shocked and sort of hurt me a little in the moment, but after our sessions it really opened my eyes. Life can be cruel to you, but that doesn't mean life is all bad and that it's not worth living. And being honest and logical with yourself can be extremely helpful. For example, I don't want to/can't get out of bed or do anything. Why? What will lying in bed do for me? Logically, if I am well rested, I CAN get up, my legs aren't broken, and lying here will bring me nothing. Therefore, I should get up and do the things I need to do. Then I will feel accomplished and proud of myself, thus, feel happier. Thinking this way is one of the things I've learned to do with Dr. Veluri's help. For a while I couldn't do my homework or study because I was so caught up in my own head, with all the horrible thoughts that would come to me and I couldn't get rid of them. But by talking with Dr. Veluri a few times about this, he has truly TRULY helped me. I barely procrastinate anymore (when before that was my #1 talent...), because I stop and think to myself "I really want to watch this TV show/read this book, etc., but I need to study for my exam..." My old self/habits would say "I'll just watch this one episode then I'll start studying" then 5 hours later I still haven't studied. With Dr. Veluri's help and straight-up advice, I now think "I really want to watch this TV show, but I need to study for my exam... I'll make a note to watch this show once I've finished with my studies." Then I would put away all distractions and just study. What I'm saying is, Dr. Veluri is not a monster, despite the posts written here. He may give some tough love, and that may not work for some patients, but he has really helped me. We've had some great laughs, had some amazing/very helpful appointments, and I'm very glad I decided to give him another chance after that day we had our first meeting.

Submitted Dec. 10, 2018


A rush to judgement doctor. Do not see this man. He conducts a 20 minute intake appointment and then thinks he knows all that is "wrong" with you. He becomes furious if you do not agree with his plans. No empathy or understanding. He knows it all. He strongly pushes ECT for depressed patients, because he gets paid more if a patient receives ECT, even though successful treatment with ECT is almost unheard of. This man is all about EGO and does not care at all about his patient/s. He's had a back problem the last several years, that initially, a cause could not be found, even though he saw many medical professionals. Isn't it ironic that this man who decides the fate of people who have back pain and in court calls them "fakers", when he himself has had back pain that can't be explained? This man ruins lives and doesn't care. STAY AWAY. Run, if you are unfortunate enough to get this egomaniac. Btw, I have noticed that he has patients of 10, 15, and 20 years, if he is so "good", why have these patients not improved and still require him on a regular basis? Food for thought.

Submitted Dec. 4, 2018


I'm not sure who wrote the 5 star reviews because they're not describing the doctor that I met with. I strongly feel they were written by his family and friends.
Dr. Veluri is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF "kind, compassionate, caring, understanding, helpful, and personable".
Pay VERY close attention to the negative reviews. These reveal Veluri's true nature. There is NOTHING professional about this doctor. I've been battling depression for 5 years and have seen many doctors when I lived in Toronto. Not one of my previous doctors have ever treated me with so much disrespect. Dr.Veluri spend the entire time shaming me for my condition and putting me down and made me feel even worse about myself. He literally asked me nothing about my past and when I'd try to share my feelings, he'd completely cut me off. He is cold, lacks empathy and is condescending, and passes judgement based on his own assumptions.
He should not be working in mental health AT ALL. Mental health patients are vulnerable and should not leave an appointment crying and feeling humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. BEWARE!!!!

Submitted April 18, 2018


If you want to feel worse about yourself, this is the guy to see, had to wait forever to finally get an appointment, he spent most of the time, obviously reading my file for the very first time, was very judgemental and condescending, not just about me, but all the other medical professionals who got me to this point. Asks a question then cuts you off before you answer fully. Really did not seem to care and in the end made me feel worse about myself.

Submitted Jan. 31, 2018


My mental, emotional and physical health improved 100% with the help and direction suggested by Dr. Veluri. He tells you like it is and guides you if you are willing to listen. Thank you for your expertise in helping me get my life back.

Submitted Dec. 16, 2017


Judgemental- came into the room with pre-contemplated views. Did not ask proper questions or have a genuine concern for my overall health.
Seems to be lacking any real life experience and is not very relatable.
His answers and diagnosis were somethjng you could get out of a book. He was not empathetic or understanding nor did he try to build a rapport in order to identify underlying issues.
I did not have a positive experience with this doctor and would no recommend him to anyone nor would o return to him myself..

Submitted Oct. 26, 2017


The best Dr I had the chance to be under the care off. My life changed drastically, it is a slow but steady progress, thank to a very caring Dr who is not scared to give you heck when you need it, and comfort when you need it. Dr Veluri is very knowledgable even if he sounds like a pizza delivery guy with is adorable accent. In my opinion he is totally worth 5 stars.

And I want to also give a 5 stars to his right hand Vicky, we all know that without her he would be totally lost loll

You guys are an awesome team!!

Submitted Sept. 6, 2017


The best Dr I've ever had I've never felt more supported than I was while in his care.

Submitted May 10, 2017

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